Dori's Blog

November is a time to giving thanks! We all have so much to be thankful for—we have a great country; we work in a wonderful industry; we have opportunities to help society, and we have can be as …

Happy October! It’s the last quarter. It’s time to fall forward, be focused, and have fun! Read or watch the featured article and discover the best business strategies to help you Super Charge the Last Quarter’s Medical Spa …

Here we are in September celebrating Labor Day! Let’s honor YOU and your achievements. Also, September is a good time to begin planning your holiday season’s success. Read or watch the featured article and gain 12 Strategies to …

Happy August! Watch the Dori Talks and Avoid 10 of the most common challenges medical spa leaders face and how to avoid them. Also, in the Tip of the Month, you can discover the new and improved S.A.C.R.E.D. …

Let’s Celebrate Freedom, Unity, Independence, and Success! This month, we unite to honor the historic moment that solidified the nation's independence. …
I love Summertime! Vacations, beach, spending time with loved ones... but some of us still have to work. We are approaching the halfway mark, and it's a good time to do a mid-year business assessment. …
Happy May! This issue focuses on Scaling-up your medical aesthetics with Content Marketing! Watch the Dori Talks and discover Success Principles for Content Marketing via Videos on YouTube! Sponsored by …
April is a month of love, new hope, freedom and rising up! This is not just about religion, it also applies to your business. …

Hello Spring! I love March; it’s all about renewal. From nature, to relationships, to business, etc, it’s the time of the year to conduct spring-cleaning, get organized, refocus and refresh. It’s also the month we celebrate St. Patrick’s …

Happy February! Love is in the air this month! Let’s all start by acknowledging how much we love the industry and all the InSPAration Management members and community! This issue is filled with great medspa strategies to help …

Happy New Year! May this new year bring you a new level of success in life and business. Everyone gets super excited at the beginning of January, and they make big resolutions that usually fade away within the …

Here we are wrapping up 2022 and saying hello to a new year! Normally, at the end of each year, we all look back and reflect on how we did while making new plans for the upcoming year. …
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