Successful Habits

Hi there,


Dori Soukup here, founder of InSPAration Management, with another issue of InSPAration Moments.


This month we are focusing on successful habits. Habits that will lead you to ultimate success! Make sure you read the Featured Article.


To Your Success!



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Millionaires’ Circle graduates!

Missed this one?

The next Millionaires’ Circle

is in September. Join us!

Calendar At A Glance

Successful Habits For Entrepreneurs


Habits are acquired behaviors or thought patterns that are repeated so many times that they become almost unconscious, automatic habits. As you know, we all have good habits and bad habits.


Some are helpful and some are harmful. Studies indicate that 90% of our normal behavior is based on habits. We are creatures of habits. We are very predictable.


Here are 10 Successful Habits for Entrepreneurs Who Own a Medi Spa and Spa by Dori Soukup.


1. Plan Tomorrow Today
Keep a running to-do list and block time for each item on your calendar. This will help you be super-productive instead of
just busy.

5 Secrets To Becoming An Influencer,

So You Can Attract High-Paying Clients

You’re invited to watch this complimentary webinar

and discover:


  • The Power of Influencer Marketing
  • Steps to Becoming an Influencer
  • The 5 Secrets to Improving Your Positioning
  • Implementation Strategies


Definition of an Influencer:


An Influencer is an individual who has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience.


An individual who has a following in a particular niche, which they actively engage with.

Become an Influencer to:


  • Gain celebrity status for what you do


  • Attract high-paying clients to you and your business


  • Be the go-to person for quotes and interviews

Click here to register to view the webinar and 

start your path to Becoming an Influencer!

A Website For Your Name


Have you googled yourself to see what comes up when you put your name in?


Do it and see. My Bright Idea is for you to have a website for your name to let people know what you want them to know about you!  You are in control of the information and not some other site.


As always, I practice what I preach, so I just launched my site. I invite you to check it out and see how I did it.

Write your Book in One Weekend Seminar

This could be you! Your name on a book cover. 


Register now

Receive bonuses and $500 off!


 Want to improve your positioning?

360 Business Videos can help!

Register for a Complimentary Consultation and let them tell you

how they can achieve your goals.

Subscribe to InSPAration Management’s YouTube channel to view the

Question of the Week!


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Daytona Beach, FL 32114

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