Heat Up Your Spa Performance

Heat Up Your Performance

Dori Soukup

A Note from Dori
Happy July!

Here we are half way through the year. It’s a good time to do your
mid-year assessment. How much growth are you experiencing so far
this year? If you are not growing at the rate you were aiming for,
maybe it’s time to improve your marketing and increase your traffic.
I am dedicating this issue to improving your marketing and sales!

In the Featured Article, you will gain strategies on how to Turn Up The Heat and Experience Business Growth. Discover how to grow your business exponentially by segmenting your database.

Dori Soukup

Bright Ideas!

Discover how you can Reactivate Lost Clients. You work hard to gain new clients, and sometimes they forget about you and they don’t come back. There are ways to get them back.
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Authority Marketing

Dori Recommends

Are you still practicing Push Marketing?
Try Pull Marketing instead. Want to know the difference and why you should practice pull marketing instead?
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Authority Marketing

What’s New

Join us for the “Write Your Book In One Weekend” Seminar on July 15th and 16th and become a published author.
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Events Calendar at a Glance


July 5th, 2017 / 4:00pm Eastern
NEW – CMG Genius Revenue Strategies
Join us and discover how double your business with referrals.

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July 7-9 – Las Vegas
Tradeshow: The Aesthetic Show
Join Dori for her lectures:

  • Generate revenue from retail sales
  • Don’t compete on price, compete on expertise instead.

Make sure you also stop by booth 420 & see us!


July 15th-16th / 9:00 am Eastern
Write Your Book in One Weekend Seminar
Authority Marketing is, the strategic
process of systematically positioning you and/or your
organization as the leader, the expert, the celebrity
and the “Go-To” Spa and or Medi Spa in your community.

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July 25th, 2017 / 3:00 pm Eastern
CoachMe Expert: Cindy Cobb – NP,
CEO – Allure Enhancement Center
Cindy Cobb

Join us for the next CoachMe Expert interview and meet Cindy Cobb founder of Allure Enhancement Center in Lafayette, Lo. Discover how to offer multiple revenue stream with your spa or medi spa to maximize revenue and growth.

Cindy is a CoachMe Platinum Member, Done For Me Marketing Member, A Leap Ahead graduate, and a published author!

Register now for this free membership!

Now →


14th, 16th / 9:00 am Eastern
Leap Ahead Leadership Seminar
The InSPAration Management LEAP Ahead
Leadership Seminar is a 3-day event where you will
receive a PROVEN Spa / Medi Spa blueprint on how to
elevate your success.

More →

Featured Article

7 Spa Coaching Strategies That Will Lead You To The Top

Turn Up The Heat and Experience Spa and Medi Spa Business Growth

One way to Turn Up the Heat and Grow your Business is to segment your database by age, gender and interest, for example.

How do you segment? You send out a survey to your database asking them certain questions that will help you segment them into different lists. Examples include male, female, age groups, parents with kids and special interests. Then, you implement the following marketing strategies.
Create spa and/or medi-spa marketing campaigns for each segment of your database, speaking directly to them and their needs.

1. Male specific spa marketing
The women-to-men ratio of spa goers now is “80% women to 20% men.” You can tap into your women database and launch an entire campaign to market to the men in their lives. Your campaign should include an event to introduce their men to your spa or medi spa and share all the benefits they will gain from your products and treatments.
During the event, you can have a speaker educating your guests on how men can be healthier, look younger and de-stress, for example. Choose topics you would like to focus on. This will bring forth the importance of visiting the spa and the role your spa or medi spa can play in helping men obtain or maintain a healthier lifestyle and look their very best.
Make an enticing offer the night of the event to get them into the habit of visiting the spa. Create lists in your MailChimp or Constant contact or whatever platform you use, and send out targeted emails to each list.

2. Teen acne campaign for back to school
In the survey, you should ask if they have children. Provide yes, no and age boxes for them to check.
Identify the parents with teenagers and send out an acne campaign to sell them on your acne membership. CoachMe Platinum member Beth Pestotnik did this several years ago, and she has more than 100 teenage members who are addressing their acne concerns. You can do the same and generate thousands of dollars each month.

3. Healthy-aging programs
Segmenting by age is key. Marketing by age group is a lot more effective. Take the 40 + and market all your healthy-aging programs: Bioidentical hormones, weight management, vaginal rejuvenation, CoolSculpting, hair restoration, etc.

Don’t wait! Go ahead. Segment your database and offer solutions to each target marketing, and your spa business will grow exponentially.

Need help? Call us. Or write us at info@InsparationManagment.com.

Bright Idea

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Reactivate Lost Spa or Medi Spa Clients

You work hard to gain new clients, and sometimes they forget about you and they don’t come back. You can bring them back by Launching a Let’s Reconnect Campaign.

To reactivate lost clients, you must re-establish communication.
The best way to re-establish communication is by sending out:

  • A newsletter – Check out www.DoneForMeSpaMarketing.com
  • An event invitation by mail and email
  • An RSVP method
  • Event Theme: Let’s Reconnect Event!
  • Plan a fun and educational event to remind them how much value you provide members of the community. Invite some of your loyal clients, so they can reinforce your message and why they come back.

Need help planning your Let’s Reconnect Campaign? Contact us.
Or listen to a CoachMe module to access all the details.

Contact Us

Dori Recommends

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Are you still practicing Push Marketing? Try Pull Marketing instead.

Want to know the difference? Pull Marketing is when people are drawn to you because of your positioning.

If you are tired of spending money on ineffective marketing strategies, it’s time to improve your positioning. Watch this video and see how I practice authority marketing and all the benefits it provides.

Learn More

Complimentary Podcast

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Register for the next interview with Cindy Cobb, founder of Allure Enhancement Center in Lafayette, Lo.
Discover how to offer multiple revenue stream with your spa or medi spa to maximize revenue and growth.

Listen to the most recent interview with John Hoime, founder of
Alternative Health & Wellness and how to offer profitable wellness programs.

John informed everyone that the key factor to his success is conducting a consultation. To help you we are offering a special on the guest consultation manual and CD.

Register Now!

Biz Tool Sale

Sucess Guest Consultation & the S.A.C.R.E.D System

If you want to improve your consultation, tap into the Success with Guest Consultation and the S.A.C.R.E.D. System that we teach. It’s amazing. It will help you learn how to create customized programs and forget a la carte treatments.

We are offering you a special price because you are a member.

You will receive the CD and the manual for only $150. The manual comes to you as a Word document, so you can customize it. The audio can be a CD or an MP3 file that you can download, listen and implement.

Regular Price is $379
That is a savings of $179!

Get both for $150!

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