Developing Your Brand

When designing your marketing strategies, it’s very important to develop your brand.

How crucial is spa branding?

Every spa should have its most desirable behaviors

What do you value the most as an individual, and how much of that are you going to bring into your spa’s brand?

Are you looking to take more chances and go all in? Or will you keep things simple and focus more on the personal side?

Keep in mind why your spa exists and what you’re trying to accomplish.

The most popular answer spa therapists give is to help people. Is that the focus of your brand?

Here are some of those desirable behaviors, in alphabetical order, with an explanation of each.

Look at the word in bold. If it’s a word where you immediately say, “Yes, that’s my spa’s focus,” closely read the definition.

Here we go:

Adventure: Exciting or unusual experience.

Ambition: Desire for achievement or distinction.

Beauty: Quality that gives pleasure or satisfaction.

Challenge: Call to engage in an endeavor.

Creativity: Ability to transcend traditional ideas and come up with new ones.

Daring: Adventurous courage and boldness.

Enjoyment: Possession of anything with satisfaction or pleasure.

Expertise: Know-how skill or knowledge.

Honesty: Upright, fair, truthful, sincere or frank.

Independence: Freedom from control, influence, support or aid of others.

Kindness: Friendly act, favor or behavior.

Leadership: Position or function of person who guides and directs a group.

Loyalty: Faithful to commitments or obligations.

Magnificence: Splendor, grandeur or sublimity.

Prosperity: Successful, flourishing or thriving condition, especially in financial respects.

Pride: High opinion of dignity or importance.

Recognition: Identifying something as having been previously seen, heard or known.

Respect: Esteem for a sense of the worth or excellence of something or someone.

Safety: Freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger or loss.

Service: Helpful activity or aid.

Wealth: Great quantity or store of money or other riches.

So, what is the focus of your brand?

For more on branding, discover Done For Me spa marketing by clicking here.

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