October 2014-Insight from the Global Spa and Wellness Summit

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A note from Dori

Happy October!

Finally, some cooler weather in Florida! I just love fall! Don’t you?
Last month was very busy for me… I have to tell you about my trip to Morocco. It was amazing! I attended the Global Spa & Wellness Summit. Read The Featured Article and discover the Latest Global Trends and Challenges facing the wellness and spa industry.

We also had a great Leap Ahead Spa Leader Seminar in Los Angeles! Help me congratulate the September graduating class!

This month, we will be in Philadelphia at the International Congress and Spa show where I am a speaker in the general session. If you are attending, stop by and see us at Booth 630, or at my lectures. We would love to see you!

This year has been amazing for us and for many members of the InSPAration Management community. I am so proud of many of you! We are going to blink and this year is going to be over. Here we are in the last quarter. You should be busy planning and launching all of your holiday events and promotions.

In the Bright Idea, discover how using Facebook can help you increase sales this Holiday Season. These are tips from the current webinar series, Smart Facebook Marketing.

In Dori Recommends, learn about getting your boutique and your spa ready for the Holiday Season.

spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to InSPArationManagement.com and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

calendar glance May 2014


Content Image InlineCoachMe Gold – Spa Management Essentials III
Topic: Welcoming Changes at Work

CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business
Topic: Boutique Success – Part Two

CoachMe Silver – Solo-Preneur Series
Topic: Common Spa Challenges and Concerns

CoachMe Platinum
Meeting in October 25th & 26th

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!


Leap Ahead Seminar – Orlando, FL
January 12th – 14th

Attending this conference was a great experience! There were 400 spa and wellness leaders from 48 countries represented. It was held in Marrakesh, Morocco, at the Four Seasons Resort! The theme of the event was Fast Forward.

As a business firm entrepreneur, I am always investing in my own education so I can pass it on to you. Attending this event confirmed to me that what I am teaching and sharing with you is right on target.

Almost the entire conference focused on wellness and how important it is to offer wellness programs globally, including the following information:

  1. Emphasis was made on how spas need to go beyond the normal offering of spa massage, facials, etc., and begin offering wellness programs. Funny…where have you heard that before? I have been encouraging the InSPAration Management community to do that for years. I published the Goodbye Pampering, Hello Wellness CD over three years ago to help everyone learn how to offer wellness programs.
  2. Another big emphasis was about how essential corporate programs are to the well-being of a company’s bottom line. This is something all of you should do. To learn more about that, get the CoachMe Gold Marketing for Success series. I offered members two CDs about how to gain corporate accounts, complete with a presentation that instructs you exactly how to do it.
  3. They encourage everyone to focus on preventative care. Let’s help people before they need a doctor. Peter Greenberg from CBS Travel interviewed two gentlemen who have been speaking about wellness for over 30 years now. He spoke with Dr. John Travis, founder of Wellness Associates, and Dr. Dan Ardell, who published the Wellness Report. They are both very passionate about the wellness movement and encouraged everyone to do their part in creating programs that would encourage people to live a healthier lifestyle.

    Wellness is a $2.8 trillion industry and it’s time for spa owners to tap into this market. They both said wellness is about education, where medicine is about taking drugs and fixing a problem. Wellness is a lifestyle that you can teach and earn money doing it!

  4. Dr OZ was interviewed and he shared that the biggest problem facing our nation now is lack of sleep and not eating right. People need to learn about wellness so they can know how to take care of themselves to prevent going to doctors. He encouraged everyone to exercise seven minutes every morning. Let’s all do that.
  5. Dr. Dan Friedland, founder of Super Smart Health, spoke about leadership and how important it is to you as a leader to avoid reactivity and focus on creativity instead. He made a point that stuck with me. “Hospitality is a dialogue where service is just delivering a service.” This is something I am always telling your teams during the CoachMe Gold Spa Management Essentials Series. “Don’t be just a worker. Be a professional and communicate with your guests so you can help them.” Implement the dialogue and you will be more successful.
  6. Economist, Kjell Nordstrom, author of Funky Business, had some very interesting predictions. He spoke about growth in countries such as Africa and Asia, but he also had some alarming statistics about how more and more people will be living alone in the future, but be together via technology. He also predicted that more and more women will be in high positions and less men will be going to college. Overall, the world will have more women than men.
Challenges Facing the Spa and Wellness Industry
  1. Education and human capital. Emphasis was made on how to create mentorship programs and how to use internships to help you build stronger teams.
  2. The need for great wellness coaches to help educate your communities.
  3. Creating innovative wellness programs -“Defining the Wellness Product.”
  4. Defining wellness as a whole.

I am asking all of you to take a look at your business model again and see how you can incorporate wellness programs so you can be part of this movement.

Overall, it was a great conference! I got to meet people from all over the world and make new friends. And now we all have an obligation to play a key part in promoting wellness within the spa so everyone can live a balanced, healthy life.

Plan your Success!

Getting your boutique, your spa, and your team ready for the Holiday Season.

Your spa can make a large sum of money during the last quarter of the year if you plan and prepare for success! Here are some strategies to include in your success planning.

  1. Set Your Revenue Goal
    Take the time to run reports from the previous year and set new goals
    for this year’s Holiday Season by category.
  2. Select your Product Mix
    Don’t get stuck on the same products. Be creative with your selections.
    Select some unique items that will drive demand and generate sales.
  3. Train the Team
    This is often an overlooked portion of Success Planning. As leaders, it is your
    responsibility to ensure that your team is informed and trained
    in order to reach the targets you have set. Schedule and conduct a few training sessions with your team. Training sessions should include: Goal Setting, Specials and Promotions, Sales or Recommendation Approaches, Role Play, etc.
  4. Implement Marketing Strategies
    Marketing is one of the most important elements of a successful holiday season. You can have the most beautiful gifts and promotions, but if no one knows about them, it’s not going to be successful. It’s your responsibility to draft a marketing strategy that will make your clients aware of your offers and compel them to take action. No matter how small your marketing budget is, there are several economical marketing strategies that will deliver results.

The bottom line is you must plan for success! Need help? Reserve a CoachMe Private call!


A New Marketing Website

Discover all new marketing tools and services available to you. I see many of you overpaying for your marketing services. Therefore, we wanted to let you know how you can rebrand your logo, website, brochures, and business cards for a very reasonable amount.

Sign up for a strategic call and let us quote your
re-branding project for you!


Launch Special
Receive One Free Marketing Module

Click here to download a MP3 recording of the first Marketing Module

Have a Profitable Holiday Season with Facebook Marketing

Facebook should be part of your marketing mix this Holiday Season. It’s a great way to reach your fans and inform them of all the exciting offers you have going on.

Here are some simple things you can do to turn your fans into paying clients.

  1. Create enticing ads and target your audience.
  2. Offer specials that are available for Facebook fans only.
  3. Offer tips to make gift giving easy.
  4. Use images to attract attention.
  5. Create engagement with contests.
  6. Promote offer: Nominate a family in need—or other charitable contribution.

You can also connect with charitable organizations to support a cause you believe in that’s popular with your clients. You can help someone and get increased exposure from the extra activity that comes from interacting with a cause.

You may also launch the 12 days of Christmas promotion. You can offer a different special every day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. We recommend that you tie in a daily email for 12 days, in addition to Facebook.

The success of all of these depends on the relationship you have built with your followers beforehand. The more committed you are to building your base ahead of time, the more success you will have with all of the other activities. Facebook and social media are not just for putting offers in front of your fans when you want to sell something. You have to build and nurture the relationship beforehand.

Want to learn more about how to turn your fans into paying clients? Watch the Smart Facebook Marketing webinar series. We taped the whole series, so it’s not too late to learn and make your last quarter a big success!

For 4 webinars, audio,
presentation and bonuses.

Smart Facebook Marketing
Tap Into A 4-hour Webinar Series!

Smart Facebook Marketing
Turn your FANS into PAYING clients!

Session One: Facebook Essentials
Session Two: Facebook Marketing
Session Three: Generating Revenue on Facebook
Session Four: Measuring Your Efforts

Act Now & Gain Incredible Access to Strategies!

Click Here To Learn More About Smart Facebook Marketing…


You asked and we listened. Many of you wanted to be able to tap into past CoachMe Gold series, but the only way to do it was to buy all the series at once, which was a big price for some people. Now for the first time, you can become a member of any CoachMe series for a flat monthly amount, making it easy and very affordable to join.

We invite you to visit CoachMeGold.com and check out all your options.

You can choose from:

  1. Marketing for Success Volume I and II – Also available in Spanish
  2. Spa Business Success
  3. Spa Management Essentials Volume I, II, or III
  4. Reinvent your Business
  5. Solo-Preneur and Beyond – CoachMe Silver

We have almost 100 modules of CoachMe audios and transcripts that you can tap into.

Click here to check it out!



Join us on January 12th – 14th in
Orlando for the upcoming Leap Ahead!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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