November 2014-10 Spa Holiday Social Marketing Strategies

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A note from Dori

Happy November!

Here we are getting close to saying goodbye to 2014. It’s time to sit back, reflect, and assess your spa business. What went right and what could you have done differently to achieve better results?

The good thing is that you can still make a difference and finish the year off strong. Your best two months are upon you. This month, you have Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday… all big retail days. Plan for success!

We are busy this month! We are attending the IECSC Show in Fort Lauderdale. If you are, too, stop by and say hi.

Also, we are launching two new CoachMe Gold series:

  1. Social Media Working for You
  2. Reinvent Your Business-Volume II

We are offering some outrageous specials in this issue. Make sure you take advantage of the November Madness.

Many people are attempting to market their business via Social Media platform, but very few actually monetize their efforts. If you are ready to start seeing results, read the Featured Article and Discover 10 Spa Holiday Social Media Strategies to help you earn more money this season.

During my corporate days, October and November were big budgeting months. Everyone was crunching numbers in preparation for the next year. This might be the last thing you want to do now, but you really must place emphasis on it and do it! Read the Bright Idea and learn how you can create your spa budget easily and super fast.

November is a great month to host an event. Read the Dori Recommends column and host a fun and a great income-producing holiday event!

Eat healthy and be well!
Happy Thanksgiving!

spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

calendar glance


CoachMe Gold – Spa Management Essentials III
Topic: Productive Guest Conversations

CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business
Topic: Planning A Successful Holiday Season

CoachMe Silver – Solo-Preneur Series
Topic: Increasing My Volume Per Guest

CoachMe Platinum
Friday November 21st

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!


Leap Ahead Seminar – Orlando, FL
January 12th – 14th

There are many social media options to participate in. Here are the most popular ones: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, and Instagram.

Most spas like to focus on social media, but many don’t do it right. They don’t have a strategy for the month.
Most Facebook postings I see are “buy from us, buy from us…” all filled with advertisements.

Social media is all about engagement, adding value, offering valuable information, helping position your spa as the go-to source for beauty and wellness. If your current efforts reflect that, you are on the right track… great! If not, you may want to reconsider your approach and your social media marketing efforts.

Here are 10 social media strategies for the Holiday Season. Try them and turn your fans into paying clients.

  1. Decorate, decorate, decorate, not only your facility, but your website and your social media sites. Show your holiday spirit throughout all social media channels.
  2. Memes. Connect emotionally with your community by using funny and festive memes.
  3. Launch a sweepstakes on Facebook. Select a prize that is relevant, such as a
    gift card, to remind people that you sell gift cards. Make sure you include
    a share button.
  4. Use Pinterest for all your promotions. People are visual and would love
    to see what your holiday promotions look like. This will generate excitement
    and offer gift ideas based on user interests and can help pinners find the perfect
  5. Countdown to the holiday with special offers.
  6. Do a video to post on YouTube and feature all your specials. You should also post the video on your website.
  7. Offer exclusive specials to your social media sites and fans only.
  8. Encourage use of social media in the spa. 66% of consumers are posting to tell friends about purchases and 42% are uploading photos of holiday purchases to Facebook (Source: Crowdtap). Encourage them to share.
  9. LinkedIn is also a great place to post your holiday promotions. Professionals need help with their holiday shopping, too, and they have the money!
  10. Use images. Did you know that 300 million images are uploaded on Facebook every day? Pictures are one of the best ways to grab attention and engage.

Social media tools to help you!

  1. HootSuite to manage multiple social media sites through one dashboard.
  2. Social Oomph allows you to automatically follow those who follow you and allows you to send direct messages automatically to new followers. Though this is essentially a Twitter tool, it works with Facebook, LinkedIn and other platforms as well.
  3. Backtweets A tool dedicated solely to Twitter, BackTweets provides reach and impressions stats, alerts you whenever someone tweets a link to your website, identifies influencers and integrates with Google Analytics to see how Twitter activity is affecting your website traffic.

Did you like this article?

We invite you to learn more social media strategies with the new CoachMe Gold series.

Register Now!

Host a Holiday Event

Events are great to generate buzz, increase revenue, gain new clients, and recognize your loyal ones. Ideally, you want to host your event prior to Thanksgiving. But if you can’t, you want to do it at the beginning of December before everyone gets really busy and then you get dropped off the priority list.

To host a successful event, you need to plan it and market it appropriately.

Schedule a team meeting and brainstorm together. You need to define the who, where, why, how, what,
and so on…

To have a successful event, you need a theme, specific type of food, beverages, entertainment, and offers.

Make sure your plan is clear.

Once you decide on the plan, then you have to do your invitation and launch your marketing efforts to ensure that people will show up. This is the biggest problem I see when spas host events… the show rate.

Your event marketing plan should include: Posters, flyers, emails, social media posts, team efforts, and most importantly, your reception team keeping a list of RSVPs.

The other important part of planning your event is what your offer will be that evening. What do you want to sell? What is the benefit, the added value… what is going to cause people to spend money?

Create your spa dollars and your clear offer, and make sure everyone on the team is promoting that offer. Set your financial goals and go for it.

If you don’t have the Successful Event Planning CD, I recommend that you get it! It will help you generate an average minimum of $100 per attendee.

Don’t do an event just to do one. Make it a fun one, but also a revenue-generating one!

Add To Cart SALE:  $39       REGULAR: 

Creating Your Spa Budget Easily and Effortlessly

After 17 years of working with spa owners, the one big mistake I often see is the lack of proper budgeting. In most cases, spa owners operate without a budget. This practice causes financial chaos.

The reason most people don’t have a budget is due to the process. It’s not an easy task, therefore, most people keep putting it off and it never gets done. That is why we created the SPA Budget CD.

We wanted to make the budgeting process much easier on you. We actually provide you with an Excel file that is pre-formatted and pre-calculated. All you have to do is run your reports and start plugging the numbers in. In addition to the spreadsheet, we also provide you with a step-by-step presentation and audio to help ease the process further.

Spa professionals who have used the Spa Budget CD have totally changed the way they manage their business.

Having a budget allows you to plan for growth, manage your expenses, maintain financial clarity, and much more. Without it, it’s like shooting in the dark.

You can get the CD by attending the Leap Ahead Spa Leader Seminar or you can buy it individually. We are offering it on sale this month.

Get your Spa Budget and gain financial clarity. Go to

Add To Cart SALE:  $250       REGULAR: 

1. Make Your Spa Social Media Work For You!

A New CoachMe Gold Series

Discover the latest and most innovative ways to achieve great results with your social media efforts.

CoachMe Gold members will receive

Access To A Private Member Page
Monthly Tele-conference Or Webinar
Audio CD Mailed To you
Transcript Of Each Module
MP3 Audio File
A Beautiful Binder To Store All Your CDs
Access To “Ask Bryan” On Teleseminars
Add To Cart SALE:  $99       REGULAR: 

2. Reinvent Your Business – Volume II

Imagine receiving one hour of spa business strategies every month to help you stay focused and gain access to the most effective systems, solutions, and strategies… all designed to grow your business.

CoachMe Gold members will receive

Access To A Private Member Page
Monthly Tele-conference Or Webinar
Audio CD Mailed To you
Transcript Of Each Module
MP3 Audio File
A Beautiful Binder To Store All Your CDs
Access To “Ask Dori” On Teleseminars
Add To Cart SALE:  $99       REGULAR: 

3. Your Financial Blueprint – Spa Budget

Experiencing Budgeting Blues?
No reason to dread this task! Purchasing a customizable budget is the ideal financial tool for your spa. Simply gather your financial reports and begin entering data into the colored cells of the Excel spreadsheet. Your financial categories and line items are clearly outlined and formatted to self-calculate, providing you with a clear financial picture. This extremely user-friendly form takes the headache out of budgeting! Learn More…

Add To Cart SALE:  $250       REGULAR: 

4. Successful Event Planning CD

Make Thousands on Your Next Event!

Are you generating revenue from your spa events? Implement Successful Event Planning and earn a minimum average of $100 per guest! Discover secrets on how to: *Write an Effective Invitation, * Barter to Reduce Cost, * Use Spa Dollars, *Manage Event Flow, * Generate Revenue through Demonstrations, *Entice Guests to Purchase Your Products and Services, and Generate Buzz within the Community. This is a must have CD for your success library! Learn more!

Add To Cart SALE:  $39       REGULAR: 

Happy Thanksgiving

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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