CoachMe Gold Membership


Welcome to CoachMe Gold

CoachMe Gold is a midlevel membership program, ideal for entrepreneurs who own day spas, medi spas and resorts spas. By joining, you will be able to improve you marketing strategies and your management skills. Currently, we are conducting two series. We invite you to explore the topics and join!

As you know, having an executive coach is the perfect solution to tap into new strategies, insights, and implementation techniques! Having a private coach could be costly, however, the CoachMe Gold membership program makes it very affordable. For a flat monthly fee, you will gain access to proven-effective content, tools, strategies, systems, and more…

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CoachMe Gold – Genius Marketing & Sales Strategies

It’s a monthly coaching program specific to the spa and medi spa industry.

As we all know, coaching is a very important part of any business’s growth. CoachMe Gold provides spa professionals with effective business tools to stay up to date on the latest and greatest business strategies. This particular series focuses on marketing and sales.

If you are looking to boost your traffic and generate more sales, this series is ideal for you!

As a member, you will receive access to a private member page where you will find audios, business tools, homework, and transcripts of each one-hour coaching module.

Monthly, you can join us live or listen and/or read the transcript at your convenience. The CoachMe Gold series is very comprehensive and contains easy-to-implement strategies to help spa professionals like you experience growth.

We invite you to view the content of this page, check out each module, and register to become part of an elite group of spa and medi spa professionals!

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CoachMe Gold – Financial Freedom

Gain Financial Freedom With An Effective Spa Business Exit Strategy

If you own a day spa, a medi-spa—or any other type of spa—and you have been in business for a while…or maybe you are just getting started… you MUST have an exit strategy. A recent InSPAration Management survey indicated that over 90% of business owners never even thought of having an exit strategy.

It’s the biggest mistake most business owners make. Did you just buy yourself a job? Or did you buy an opportunity to retire and live happily ever after?

Let us help you chart a path that will allow you to build your business to a certain level and then sell it for top dollar.

How? By being part of the New CoachMe Gold series, Gaining Financial Freedom.

This series will help Spa owners like you obtain a step-by-step process and discover the ins and outs of preparing your spa business to be sold for top dollar.

This process will take some time and that is why you need to start planning now.

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CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business Volume II

Are you looking for ways to be more successful?

Let’s face it…every business needs a reinvention now and then. Now is the time to assess and determine what has been working and what needs to be changed to achieve desired results. It’s the optimum time to generate ways to reinvent your business so you can be on the cutting edge and obtain a competitive advantage.?

Are you ready to take your spa business to the next level? If you want to reach maximum growth, join us and discover three things you must do to grow your business and soar!

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CoachMe Gold – Make Your Spa Social Media Work For You!

Marketing is one of the most important functions of your business. And today, social media marketing is one of the most economical ways to market your business. Most spas like to focus on social media, but many don’t implement it correctly.

Social media is all about engagement, adding value, offering valuable information, and positioning your spa as the go-to source for beauty and wellness.

If you are looking for ways to improve your social media efforts and truly make social media work for you, be sure to join us and discover how to capitalize on your social media efforts.

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CoachMe Gold Members Receive:

• Monthly Call Access
• Audio CDs of All Calls Mailed Monthly
• Private CoachMe Gold Web Page to Download MP3 Recordings of All Calls
• A Beautiful CD Binder to Store and Organize Your CDs
• Downloadable Transcripts of All Calls



The CoachMe Gold calls are held monthly, see schedule. We send reminder emails that include the call topic, content, time and date, and conference line information, should you choose to join the live option. Or, you may visit the private page to listen at your convenience.


Should you have a scheduling conflict and miss a call, you will have two options: 1. Download the content and listen to it at your convenience, 2. Use the CD to listen in your car or anywhere. We keep all of the calls on the private member page, so you can access the content at any time.

Ask a Coach

As an added benefit, you can submit your questions in advance to be answered during the call.


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