We’re halfway through! The last few blogs discussed the first two steps to implement an Effective Sales Process.
Let’s review. First, include a strategy to generate qualified spa leads and/or prospects. Second, begin building relationships and trust with new leads.
The third step is to convert leads. One way to convert a lead into a client is to invite them in for a spa tour, a consultation and a trial. You can offer them a trial gift card, which they can redeem toward one of your treatments.
We invite you to read more about how to gain strategies to convert leads into clients. Click here.
Relating it to real life
Whenever a new business opens, there needs to be a draw to get customers in the door and get them to return. The grand opening is an invitation. It can be promoted via social media or audio/print platforms. Once the hard part of getting them into the door is out of the way, offer them something to make them want to come back again. You never have a second chance to make a first impression!
Importance of first visit
Inform your team to pay very close attention to the details. They need to know this is a first-time visitor. You need to “wow” them! Make a great impression and conduct a great consultation.
We invite you to read more about first impressions. Click here.
Next time, we’ll discuss the final step of converting first-time clients into lifetime clients.