9 Steps to Map Out Your Spa’s Success for 2015



1. Set your goals.

Napoleon Hill, the author of one of my favorite books, Think and Grow Rich said, “A person without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.” You don’t want to live without defined goals. Write out short and long-term goals for your business and your personal life. Clarify your goals as much as possible. Then, create an action plan for each goal. Prioritize and start mapping out every goal. Create a list of things that you need to do so you can begin taking action immediately!

2. Identify new growth opportunities.

Do you have a spa membership program or wellness programs? Offering these types of programs on your menu will provide your community with great tools to help them live a healthier lifestyle, and it will help you gain continual income throughout the year.

3. Tap into effective spa business tools.

Are you trying to reinvent the wheel? Don’t! There are many spa business solutions to help you plan your success. You can purchase business tools, hire a spa coach, tap into the CoachMe Gold memberships and apply what you learn. Remember, the more you learn, the more you earn.

4. Focus on marketing.

Have a marketing plan to ensure a steady flow of?new clients. Implement a lead generation strategy to help you build your?list and have a newsletter to build and strengthen consumer and client?relations. When you focus on economical marketing strategies and? social media marketing, you can excite prospects and turn them into?paying clients.

5. Create a budget for a healthy spa business.

Paying attention to your? financials is a key factor in having a healthy business. You must have?a spa budget…one that you live by. As a spa leader, it’s important to monitor? your actual results vs. the budget, and make sure you are meeting or exceeding your monthly targets.

6. Continually train and assess your team’s performance.

In most cases, we find that training is focused on technical skills and product knowledge. While that is important, spa business training is what ensures success. Tap into ready-to-implement business training for you and your spa team by enrolling in the Spa Management Essentials CoachMe Gold series.

7. Develop your business training manuals.

Another important component of success is having manuals. Spa manuals offer consistency, accuracy, and growth. You will have a blueprint for success.

8. Work on your leadership skills.

Everyone needs to work on their skills. Executive Coaching is the recipe for ultimate success. There is nothing like having a coach guide you and help keep you on track. Attending leadership seminars, such as Leap Ahead, and belonging to a mastermind group, such as CoachMe Platinum, is ideal for leaders.

9. Measures and Rewards.

An important part of success is to set targets and measure and reward the team. We recommend measuring performance daily, weekly, and monthly. This will help you discover areas to improve. Also, having a monthly meeting to recognize your team is a great idea to implement.

Need help planning your 2015 success? Call us at (386) 226-2550 and reserve a Private Coaching call!

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