5 Strategies to Transform Your Spa Reception Department

The Reception Department can make or break your spa or medi spa. Let’s start with the major mistakes spa owners or leaders make regarding the reception department.


Spa Reception


1.  Management mistakes leaders make with the Reception Department

  •   Not having a receptionist – This is a sure way to kill your business.
    • Not having formal training for your receptionist or not having a Department Manual – this is a recipe for lack of consistency, and a disaster waiting to happen
  • Thinking all you need is someone to answer the phone – order takers instead of revenue generators.
  • Not setting performance targets or expectations for the team – if you don’t measure, you can’t improve
  • Getting paid a flat hourly rate – no motivation to excel
  • Not focusing on sales – if you don’t sell, you won’t grow.
  • Not having an effective software program

2. Avoid missing revenue generating opportunities

I recently conducted a secret shopper spa assessment and I have to tell you, the spa receptionist totally missed the boat. It started with my assistant making the reservation.

  • They did not attempt to recommend multiple treatments to me.
  • When I checked in, they failed to recommend another treatment again.
  • When I checked out, they failed to ask for my next spa appointment. They did not discuss boutique items with me. They did not ask me to complete a guest comment card, nor did they ask for my testimonials
  • Oh my… I was impressed. Not!

3. Invest in training the reception team

Training the team is essential to the success of any spa business.

  • Have structure, systems, and strategies in place
  • Develop all your scripts
  • Role play meetings
  • Test their knowledge on products and treatments
  • Outline your sales approach and training

4. Maximizing Spa Revenue

It is the responsibility of the reception team to maximize revenue through

  • Call management
  • Check-in
  • Check-out

When the team has a target to reach for number of treatments, service volume, retail volume, gift cards sold, etc., they are more likely to reach their goal and hit their target.

5. Reward and Recognize Efforts

Recognizing the team will go a long way. Conduct monthly meetings to recognize your team and encourage them to stay on the right path.

These are all the essential steps to ensure your spa reception department is performing up to par. Implement them and watch your business grow![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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