What Are You Thankful For?

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Hope you and your families had a nice time…

Remember growing up, mom and dad always telling us to say thank you and please? The basics of being polite and showing gratitude, right?  But on Thanksgiving, the word thanks has deeper meaning.  It’s a time to reflect on the entire year and really count all the blessings we have.  Here are some of the things that I am thankful for, and you’ll probably agree, that you are thankful for too!

9 things I am thankful for:

1.       Living in the USA: We really have a lot to be thankful for!  It’s never more noticeable to me than when I travel the world.  I flew over 90,000 miles around the world this year and no matter where I went: Asia, Europe, South America, Eastern Europe, the Carribean, Mexico, I always felt so happy when I land back at Orlando International Airport.  The USA truly offers the best quality of life!

2.       Land of opportunity:  The other thing to be really thankful for are the business opportunities we have.  With an idea, you can be an entrepreneur.  Other people in foreign countries want to come to America to realize their dreams.  And here we are, living in a country where dreams do come true!

3.       Thankful for my family:  My son, Charlie, who is 12 soon to be 13. He is a straight “A” student in all advanced classes.  I am thankful for his father, Craig, for taking care of him while I am working and gone.  And of course, our families: mom, dad, brothers and sisters…. There is nothing like sitting together with all the family members and sharing a meal together on Thanksgiving.  Being thankful for tradition and time to appreciate each other.

4.       Thankful for good health:  Sometimes, we take feeling healthy for granted.  There is nothing more important than good health.  That’s never been so obvious for me then watching my parents and Craig’s parents get into their 80’S dealing with the aging process. 

5.       Clients:  If you own your own business, you know how thankful you are for your clients!  This past year was a record breaking year for us. I am very thankful for all the people who put their trust in us to help them with their spa business.

6.       Business partners: I am thankful for all the business partners and sponsors who help grow our business.

7.       Team:  Thankful for the InSPAration Management Team.  They put up with me, and sometimes that’s difficult to do.  

8.       Happiness:  All the little things that bring joy and happiness to us that we may take for granted.

9.       God:  Thankful to GOD and all our blessings.   We should always be thankful not only on Thanksgiving, but everyday of our lives!  

A man was complaining about not having any shoes until he came across a man without feet.   We need to remember to stay positive and live with passion.

What are you thankful for?

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