Burning Desire to Succeed

Wow!  What a busy couple of weeks!!!

This past weekend, we attended the IESCS spa show in Fort Lauderdale.  I was happy to see so many people attend our spa workshops.  We hosted three of them, and they were all packed!  It is so refreshing to see people eager to learn and expand their knowledge.  Education does payoff!!! 

We met so many nice professionals; some looking to elevate their success, some planning to open a spa; some in the opening phase now. It’s great to see the spa industry so alive and well. 

Before the show, I was in Vegas sharpening my own saw. I attended an educational event in order to pass on new strategies to our clients. I stayed at the Venetian in Vegas and met professionals from all types industries.  I really enjoyed hearing what is working in other businesses, especially strategies that can be applied to the spa industry.  Currently, I am working on LEAP a new spa director educational event that goes beyond Leadership Excellence as well other things we will be launching in 2010. very exciting things.  if you are having a specific challenge write to us so we can help you address it. 

During the seminar I attended, the speaker brought up one of my favorite books, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Have you read it?  If you have, you should read it again. If you have not read the book, read it now!  It has many great principals that apply to any business.  It’s a classic… One of the principals is Burning Desire.  This is such an important principal because when you have burning desire, you will succeed!

We all need to stay focused and keep the burning desire if we want to accomplish greatness and stay on the right path.  One way to keep focused is to have a mentor or a coach. They help us keep on track and hold us accountable.  Do you have a coach?  If you don’t, call us and we can provide you info about our spa coaching programs.

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Valle Escondido Resort Golf and Spa
Valle Escondido Resort Golf and Spa

Here is an excellent example of burning desire.  Before Vegas, I was in Boquete, Panama assisting Thalia, the owner of Valle Escondido, open up her new spa.  Thalia is one of the most dedicated persons I know. She has had a very difficult year: her husband was very ill for a good part of the year; she has kids, a resort to run, and a spa to open.  She kept moving forward because of her burning desire to accomplish all the things she wanted to do.  I admire her for that! Last week, we opened her spa and it looks absolutely beautiful!  If you are looking to escape, it’s the perfect place to go! Check it out at www.valleescondido.biz



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