While conducting a preliminary coaching session with a new client this week who owns a very large spa, I sensed an unhappy tone in her voice as she began to express to me how bad her team’s morale is. I’ll quote her,”They are lazy, no one likes their job, they do the minimum, they don’t like me or my management style, and the list goes on and on. Please help me!”
That conversation got me thinking… how does the team get to this point? How do things get so bad? This does not happen overnight. When people take a new job, they are usually excited and happy for the opportunity they are given. That period is known as the honeymoon period. Then, things begin to change. Slowly, the person gets disengaged and usually quits weeks before they tell you they are leaving. What can you do to keep the honeymoon attitude going and avoid a divorce?
Usually, employees don’t quit jobs, they quit managers. If you are experiencing a revolving door, it’s time to look at your management style and see what you need to change or improve to keep your team motivated and engaged.
To improve relations and communication between spa leaders and the team, it’s important to know the different behavioral styles that exist within your spa:
There are four behavioral styles:
1. The director – pushy, the “get to the point” kind of person
2. The thinker – Very detail oriented, they dot all the “I”s and cross all the “T”s.
3. The socializer – Likes to talk and have fun
4. The mediator – Does not like change, a very touchy, feely kind of person
Here is the problem:
1. Many therapists are right brained people and fit in the mediator behavioral style. They are very sensitive. They are people oriented, mellow, like things calm, and they resist change.
2. Many spa directors or spa owners have a director behavioral style. They are straight shooters and don’t beat around the bush. They are perceived as pushy, money driven, uncaring and so on.
When you get these two styles together, the relationship will start out good but quickly changes. Why? Because the directors’ true colors come through making the mediator style very unhappy.
To make this relationship work, the leader has to learn to flex their style while communicating with the mediator style in order to maintain a positive work environment and retain employees.
Remember, you are the leader. Control your behavior and influence your team. If you need help, get a coach or a mentor. Read books on leadership, (John Maxwell has many helpful books on this subject). Or contact me, I will be happy to help.