The Spa City


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Aix, France
Aix, France

I work hard but also try to play hard.I am writing this from Aix, France known as The Spa City. The Romans appreciated the presence of water as one of the basic ingredients when founding their cities. With 17 fountains within its city walls these fountains are the sparkling jewels of the citi.


This picture is of the Fountain des Quarters Dauphins (1667) it’s in the heart of the Mazarin district.

Aix en Provence is a suburb of Marseille. Its known for music, painting, literature, architecture, vineyards and the city of King Rene. It’s also the home of the famous artist Cezanne.

We toured Cézannes’ house today.I love the south of France there is so much to see and do.Have you Been?If not you need to come I am sure you would love it to.

I could tell you more but now I have to go to the Port of Marseille and the Notre Dame de la Garde.


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