Building Your Spa Client List

How much emphasis and effort do you place on building your spa client list?

All spa leaders need to make this a primary focus.  Do you place enough emphasis on building your list? Do you have enough systems in place from different sources helping you build your database?

This is a very important topic I cover during coaching sessions.  When I ask a new client these questions, rarely do I hear the answers I am looking for.  Here are some questions to help set goals:

1.       How many new names you should be colleting each week and month? 

2.       How many of those leads are you able to convert into visitors?

3.       How much money do you want each one to spend with you?

4.       How many will you convert into repeat visitors and lifetime clients?

When you set goals, it forces you and the entire team to focus on building your spa’s database.  Without focus, your business will become stagnate and your performance will flat line.

Here is a gift for you!

3218136-giftEmail us at and we will send you the “Spa Capacity Chart”.  This will help you identify how many people need to walk into your spa, what amount they need to spend to reach a certain goal, and assist you in creating a strategic plan to build your list.

To build your list, you have to engage your prospects.  For example, when someone visits your website, are you inviting to opt in or to subscribe to your newsletter?  Do you have an invitation for a complimentary skin analysis?  Do you have a free spa cuisine recipe they can download?  In most cases, these strategies are missing when I visit websites.  Many websites are nothing but a brochure. This is a BIG mistake and a big missed opportunity to capture your visitor’s info.

You might say, “I don’t have a newsletter or the time to do one.” If you don’t, we can help! InSPAration Management offers consumer newsletters. It’s called the Ready-to-Go e-News.  Every month we provide you two health, fitness, spa and wellness articles, and one spa cuisine to post on your website inviting people to download. First, they must enter their name and email address; then, they can subscribe.  Just doing this strategy alone will help you tremendously.  Focus on building your spa list, begin marketing and watch your traffic and revenue increase!

Need additional help?

Contact us. We will be happy to give you additional strategies to help you build your spa list!




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