Winning vs. Losing

Do you ever wonder why some teams win and some lose?  After the Magic lost to the Celtics last night, I started thinking what makes some teams with supposedly equal talent win and others lose? The Magic had such a great season. Everyone thought they were a very good team. But when it counted most, they didn’t deliver. Why is that? 

 Then, you have the Celtics who defeated the number one team (Cleveland), the number two team (the Magic), came from behind and won the Eastern Conference Championship.  How did they do that?


This scenario not only occurs in sports, it frequently plays out in business and the corporate world.  What is the difference between a winning team and a losing team?


Winning team characteristics:

*Passion *Drive *Belief *Persistence *Resilience *Energy *Positive attitude *Teamwork and Respect

*Sticking to the game plan *Buy into the plan *Focus and delivering the vision *Leadership, I could on…


Ask yourself, what type of team do I have? 

Are they winning championships or not meeting expectations? 


In the book, Good to Great, Jim Collins said it best. 

“First, you have to make sure you have the right people on the bus.

Second, get the wrong people off the bus.

Third, make sure the right people are in the right seats.

Then, you are ready to go from good to great.”


Jack Walsh in his book, Winning, said he always believed in trimming the bottom 10% of the organization.  Those are the people that usually drag you down and hold you back from excellence.


Who is on your team? Have you assessed your spa’s team skills?  If not, you need to.  How do you measure your team’s performance?  In sports, everything is measured from scoring, to fouls, assists, turnovers, etc.


What I see in the spa industry is lack of performance measures. 

If you are a Spa Leader, you should be measuring:

·         Volume per guest for both service and retail

·         Retention rate

·         Referral rate

·         Guest satisfaction

·         Teamwork

·         Work ethics


The one thing I love about sports organizations is they analyze everything.  For example, now that the Magic lost and fell short of expectations; their organization is going to evaluate and make adjustments, so hopefully they can win the championship next year.  That’s one area the spa industry does not do too well.  That’s why I’m working hard to change that by providing spa business educational programs! 


theblueprintcvr1Team Building is a key factor to any organization. One person can’t win the game alone.  It takes a team to win. The responsibility falls first on the spa leader to select and hire the right people.  If that’s an area you need help with, look into Teambuilding with C.L.A.R.I.T.I.  It’s a proven successful system to help you build a high performance team.


You need a winning team to succeed in business, so don’t hang on to a losing team! If you do, sooner or later you will need to make changes. Don’t prolong your agony, assess your spa team and shoot for the stars!


So make the commitment to be a winner and Leap Ahead!

Select, train and build a great spa team so you can maximize your spa’s success and earn the profits you deserve! 


Have a comment on this subject?  We would love to hear from you!


Happy Memorial Day!

P.S. I still love the Orlando Magic!!


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