Spa Leaders Investing in Education

dsc05765After a long trip back from France we had to get ready for our Leap Ahead seminar. I was a little tired but excited about meeting all the attendees.I have to tell you, we had an amazing group of professionals this past week!Which leads me to ask this question…Why is it that the already successful are the people who attend educational events?And the people who really need help are nowhere to be found!We had 20 professionals from all over the U.S.Some owned medi spas, day spas and resort spas.Some were already in business and some are in the planning process.

When we host our educational events, the most exciting part for me personally is meeting everyone and contributing to their success.For example, I met Dr Gross and Lisamarie Volino in Vegas when they attended one of my sessions. They had a vision to open a wellness center and had the wisdom to seek expertise BEFORE starting their project. Dr. Gross is a very successful Orthopedic Surgeon who owns several medical practice locations. Even though he is successful in his orthopedic practice, Dr. Gross and his partner Lisamarie, realized if they want to maximize their success with their wellness center; they need an expert to help them.They hired InSPAration Management to help make their wellness center vision a successful reality.Both attended the Leap Ahead Spa Leaders Seminar because they wanted to get their hands on a blueprint to operate the wellness center successfully.The reason I am sharing their story with you is to remind you that just because you are successful in one area, it does not automatically guarantee success in another.It’s ok to reach out and say I don’t know.It’s ok to reach out for help.As a matter of fact, it is the smart thing to do!It can help you avoid costly mistakes and realize your desired results faster.Another business I want to mention is Day Dreams Spa. They have two day spa locations in Florida. Day Dreams Spa is also successful, been in business for 15 years, and is seeking to maximize their success.Jan, the owner, brought her partner/husband and two of her managers with her to Leap Ahead.This is so smart on her part because her management team now has learned the same info as herself. Now, they can implement all their new knowledge as a group and keep each other accountable.In addition, Jan has hired InSPAration Management to help Day Dreams expedite Leap Ahead implementation.Could they implement the content they learned on their own? Of course! But if you want to do it faster and reach higher results quicker, it is wise to seek professional assistance.

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Day Dreams Spa Team
Day Dreams Spa Team

I can go on telling about Mendel and Jessica who own the Healing Touch, and Anna who owns Lace with two locations in Miami, or Roxanne from Trinidad, Nana and Akua from GA, Terry and Eduardo form Miami who are opening a new place… they all made the investment in time and money to elevate their success.We all need to do that from time to time. As Stephen Cover says in the Seven Habits, you must “Sharpen the Saw”.If you don’t, your results will be dull and stagnate.

When was the last time you sharpened your saw? If it’s been a while, you need to join us for the August Leap Ahead seminar and lead your business to a higher level of success!

We would love to hear from you, about a great book you read or something that helped you with your business.Please share your comments with us and for others to read!


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