The Leader In You– 7 Steps to Enhance Your Leadership, Part 1

When you’re in a leadership position, it means that you are to take charge on projects, personnel, and processes because they are your responsibility. Being a leader in the spa industry is not always easy– trying to oversee everything while maintaining your spa, training your team, generating revenue, marketing your services, and so on can get a little hectic. However, this does not mean that your leadership positioning should falter; instead, it should be an opportunity for it to blossom! Read this first post of our three-part series to learn how to enhance your leadership and come out on top.


1. What is most important to you as a leader? 
This is one of my favorite questions. I ask it to leaders during our Leap Ahead Seminars and I always get a variety of answers: from setting a good example, to being a good communicator, to helping the team, to providing great guest experiences and the list go on… but what I don’t hear often enough is: to have a successful business!!!

Shouldn’t that be the most important thing? Without success, your leadership will quickly vanish. I encourage you to make a list of what is important to you as a leader and share that list with your team during your next team meeting. Ask your team what is most important and write their responses down on a board and/or post them in the team lounge. It’s a great exercise to do to remind everyone why we do what we do.

2. What is One “Problem” You Can Turn Into an Opportunity?
You’ve heard the saying take lemons and make lemonade. What lemons are in your spa? How can you turn them into lemonade? Look at your problems as opportunities to enhance your skills. Problems make you stronger and allow you to grow. Don’t push them under the rug and hope they go away, because they won’t. One question I am often asked is how do I motivate my team? One of my answers is to engage your team in problem solving. This practice makes your team feel important and that you value their input. It will motivate them and get them focused on positive results. They’ll love being part of the solution!

Join us for the next part in our series to learn the next two steps in enhancing your leadership skills!

Speaking of leadership, have you had the chance to attend InSPAration Management’s LEAP Ahead Leadership Seminar? If not, you are missing out! LEAP Ahead is a seminar given by InSPAration Management’s founder and CEO, Dori Soukup, that teaches spa leaders and team members a proven blueprint on how to operate a spa. LEAP Ahead graduates go on to make more profit than ever before and implement the best strategies to running their spas efficiently and tactfully.

Not convinced? Check out what the fans had to say about LEAP Ahead and how it has impacted their lives and their spa business!

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