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3 Things You Might Not Know About Oncology Esthetics

Oncology esthetics is a way for spas and medi spas to give back to their communities. Through the power of touch and soothing care, you help people living with cancer go through the most difficult time in their lives. Before offering this specialty treatment in your spa, here are 3

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Make Your Spa Website Work For You, Part 2

In the last business blog, we talked about the first three best practices to turn your spa website into a revenue-generating website. On this post, we will discuss the next three strategies so your spa website is a powerful tool to bring in new guests, increase your capacity and retention rates,

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How to Build Your Spa Business For The Perfect Buyer

(Contributed by Walter Bergeron) As a spa owner, your plan from the very inception of your business is likely to someday use it as your retirement nest egg. To accomplish that goal, it may mean selling your spa to an employee, a venture capital firm, or a capable and deserving

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4 Sales Strategies to Increase Your Spa Profits

When your spa team thinks of sales, something terrible comes to mind. Let’s face it: No one really likes to sell. Your team would rather provide a great spa experience. Selling is for the brave. If you want stellar spa growth rates year after year, you need to focus on

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Business Financial Health, Part 1

When business owners first go into business they are excited, eager, motivated and can’t wait to get started.  Then reality sits in and the bills start piling up, followed by pressure, tension anxiety.  If you are like most owners you are always looking for ways to cut expenses and generate

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