How to Establish Trust at First Sight with Your Spa Guests

How to Establish Trust at First Sight with Your Spa Guests photoHave you ever wondered what kind of impression your spa is making when a new guest enters your doors? Consider this: your spa reception is a major profit center, and the receptionist is going to be the first person that a guest will encounter. Is that person going to help increase your revenue or harm your bottom line?

Trust is a critical aspect of every spa business. If you have been delivering results through your treatments and therapists, your guests should be lapping up the recommendations you make for products and treatment upgrades. You do not need a hard sell; all you need is recommend, and the sale follows.

This is why, as a spa leader, you always have to check how your front line team is doing. How effective are they at projecting a competent, professional image? Do not be like an experienced I’ve had. The receptionist had bright pink hair, a plunging neckline showing lip-shaped tattoos, and an unapproachable demeanor. She did not even bother to greet me! I hightailed it out of there.

You will never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Follow these image-enhancing tips to put your best foot forward:

  1. Adopt a uniform or professional attire for your front liners and therapists.
  2. Create your own communication script, from meeting first-time guests to talking with them on the phone to every possible guest interaction there is, using carefully selected words that convey your image, values and culture.
  3. For that matter, make sure your receptionists and therapists have superior communication skills. Clean up language, even when talking to each other.
  4. Train your team in effective listening, helping them to understand sub-text and zeroing in on guest concerns. That’s where opportunities for retail sales and upgrades are found.
  5. The telephone is also a major part of your leads generation—craft scripts for responding to inquiries, customer complaints, etc., that will project a helpful, supportive image over the wire. (Make sure your team answers calls with a smile, which shows over the line.)
  6. Create a problem-solving and guest satisfaction culture, training your team to be swift in anticipating and addressing guest problems.
  7. Make sure that your team has exceptional knowledge of every product and treatment that you have, so they can recommend at-home maintenance and upgrades where needed.
  8. Stay organized, including all work space.

Your spa cannot afford to turn away guests with a bad first impression. You’ll fight an uphill battle getting more new clients that way. As you continually improve on your image, watch your guest number and revenue climb up. To do: assess what new guests see when they first call you or come in, and update accordingly.

Any thoughts or advice you want to add? Share it in the comments below. Thanks!

Reinvent Your Business (Volume II ) Seminar from InSPAration Management


Trust is an important aspect of spa-guest relations. Join us to learn more about trust-based selling in the Reinvent Your Business teleseminar on April 7th, 4:00 PM Eastern ?




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