“Suggestions to Ensure Successful Medical Spa Events?”
Hi there, Dori Soukup here, with another Question of the Week. This week’s question comes to us from Alicia from Maryland.
Alicia asks: “We have done events in the past but did not have good attendance and did not make much money. What suggestions do you have to ensure that the upcoming event will be a successful one?”
Well, thank you, first of all, for reaching out to find out what you can do to have a successful event.
Events can be super-profitable when they’re planned, marketed and conducted in a systematic way. So there is a way for you to be super-successful with your events.
As a matter of fact, we help our clients generate six figures in their events, especially if they have a medi spa. It’s easy, actually, to generate six figures with your event.
But if you don’t sit down and plan it, market it at least 30 days in advance, and get the entire team on board to get RSVPs to get new clients or your existing clients to bring new clients, then you’re not going to have the success that you’re looking for.
So, I wanted to make a recommendation. And again, I’m not here trying to sell you, but to inform you that there are tools out there to help you host successful events.
We have this amazing product called Secrets To Successful Medi Spa Event Planning. You need to have it in your success library. On this, you will see a webinar with me taking you step-by-step-by-step on how to actually host an event. It also has a to-do list with it, so you know all the things that you need to prepare to have a successful event.
The other thing you can do is always set up a coaching call, where I could also walk you through the process. I love events. They are a great way for you to generate excitement, enthusiasm and buzz in your community about what you have going on. As a matter of fact, you should have one at least once a quarter.
And then the other little mini-events that you can do would be lunch and learns, which would be just like an hour, or a happy hour and learn, for one hour. You can literally generate thousands also with those.
So, I’m very excited that you want to do them. You just are looking for a blueprint to do them properly. So there is the blueprint; take advantage of it.
Let me know how you do with your next events. Just make sure you implement it as I describe it. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.
To encourage you and show you that this is possible, go to the YouTube channel and check out the Raving Fans. There are several people on there talking about their events and how they generated six figures during their events…to get you excited.
I know you can do it. Just tap into the information that’s available for you and go for it.
If you have a question, you can email it to info@inSPArationmanagement.com.
Until next time, stay inspired!