March 2015-New Spa Revenue

A note from Dori

Happy March!

March is a great month. The earth is blooming with freshness! People who live in cold climates are beginning to dream about the warmth and preparing to say goodbye to the snow…or maybe not 🙂

We have a lot going on this month. First, we will be attending the International Conference of Esthetics in Miami, and then off to the IECSC show in New York. Next, I visit Chateau Elan to meet with the CoachMe Platinum Members.

And that’s not all…

In this issue, you will find all sorts of strategies to help you spring forward into success.

Read this month’s Featured Article and make your business spring into new spa revenue. Discover what the Biggest Gainers shared with me during their interview that helped them increase their spa revenue tremendously. Read more

In the Bright Idea, we invite you to listen to the Biggest Gainers winners as they share their success stories. We had hundreds of people attend the live teleseminar. Did you miss it? If so, you can read about it and download the “Exponential Spa Success” audio below.

LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms, yet rarely do spa professionals use it. Read more about it in the Dori Recommends and see how you can grow your business with LinkedIn.

Check out Tassi in the Product Spotlight. It’s a great product to offer in your spa boutique to increase your spa retail sales.

On behalf of the entire InSPAration Management team, we wish you a Happy March!

and the InSPAration Management Team
spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

calendar glance


CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business! Volume II
Topic: Increasing Sales Part I

CoachMe Gold – Make Your Spa Social Media Work For You!
Topic: Using Your Mobile Devices To Manage Your Social Media Efforts

CoachMe Gold – Spa Management Essentials III
Topic: TouchPoints to Increase Retention

CoachMe Platinum
Meeting March 17th – 18th

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!


Leap Ahead Seminar – Orlando, FL
May 25th – 27th

Spring Into New Spa Revenue

During the interview I did with Biggest Gainers contest winners, each person shared some great strategies that helped grow their business exponentially. In this article, you will discover useful tactics that you can implement to introduce new revenue streams to your spa.

1. Membership Sales: Amy Hathcox, CEO of Amy’s Day Spa in Tampa Florida, shared how her membership sales have improved so that at the first each month, she generates enough money to cover all of her expenses. This is what I teach members of InSPAration Management to do. You want to generate enough money to get you to the breakeven point. The difference is that Amy did it!! You can, too!

Do you have a membership program? If not, get The Ten Steps to Creating and Launching a Membership Program CD and get started.

If you have one, how can you sell more of them? Who is responsible for presenting the membership program in your spa and how effective are they at closing the sale? Implementing and selling the membership program has helped Amy grow her business by 83% over last year.

Amy is a Leap Ahead Graduate and a CoachMe Gold Member

2. Daily Success Planning: Randy Vawdrey, CEO of umed Spa, shared how the Daily Success Planning has made a big difference in their productivity. The Daily Success Planning is a meeting that the team should have every morning to realize their daily opportunities for cross marketing treatments and recommending retail sales. Being aware of daily goals makes a big difference in productivity. Randy also shared how important team training is.

Taking material from the Leap Ahead seminar and applying the systems and the structure, such as the Volume per Guest tracking, retail sales, and hosting events has contributed to Randy’s growth of 66% over last year.
Randy has already sent 5 of his management team to Leap Ahead, and he expressed how important education is to success.

Randy is a Leap Ahead Graduate, a CoachMe Gold Member, and a CoachMe Platinum Member

3. Positioning Yourself For Great Opportunities: Rhonda Mordecai, CEO of Solerenity Resort Spa in Oklahoma, shared how she took an opportunity and made the best of it. She owned a day spa with a great reputation, which lead Chickasaw Nation Casino and Resorts to approach her and request that she manage their spa. Rhonda took this opportunity and ran with it. She created great spa experiences, wellness programs, Spa, and much more. Rhonda knew that she needed to learn things to help her be successful so she tapped into the numerous educational programs we offer to help her through her journey. Success is possible when you invest in education and effective business tools.

Rhonda is a Leap Ahead Graduate, a CoachMe Gold Member, and a CoachMe Platinum Member

4. Setting Solid Foundation For Growth. Jacqueline Dube, CEO of Jacqueline Jase, went from being a solo-preneur to expanding into day spa. Jacqueline spoke about how she came from corporate America, but she quickly realized how important it is to have a spa-specific coach. She attended the Leap Ahead seminar and gained the tools she needed, including her blueprint for success. Jacqueline focused on unique positioning, setting a foundation, creating her own private label, and introducing unique treatments. As a result, she grew her business exponentially. She has now hired two therapists, a receptionist, and expanded to three rooms. Jacqueline also hired us to create her brand. She is currently rebranding everything.

Jacqueline is a Leap Ahead Graduate and a CoachMe Gold Member

You really should listen to the Exponential Success interview event I did with them.
See the Bright Idea to access the audio.

You are invited to attend the next Leap Ahead seminar on May 25th, 26th, and 27th. Reserve by March 5th to receive $650 off and make 4 payments. Use code “LEAPMAY”

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What’s New?

InSPAration Management is introducing Spa Web Hosting. If you are ready for a spa hosting company to take care of your website, contact us for a website and hosting assessment.

Introductory Offer

Sign up for Spa Web Hosting before March 31st, 2015 and receive the following bonuses:

1. $500 Off a New Website!
Receive a coupon code worth $500 off of your brand new website project completed through InSPAration Management!

2. Build Your Spa List & Succeed CD
Building your spa list is one of the most important functions of your business! Gain insight and knowledge with this FREE CD! A $99 Value!

Learn More

Did you know we design websites?

Check out some samples on We have helped many people create a profitable online presence. We can help you, too. Take the Website Assessment now!

Ad Heading Idea New Spa Revenue

The Biggest Gainer Winners Interview
We had a record-breaking attendance for the Biggest Gainer! We are so proud of what this group of spa leaders was able to accomplish. You have to listen to them and discover how they grew their spa business exponentially.

Congratulate the following InSPAration Management Members

Day Spa

Amy Hathcox – Up 83%
Leap Ahead GraduateCoachMe Gold Member

Solopreneur & Expanding To Day Spa

Jacqueline Dube – Up 393%
Leap Ahead GraduateCoachMe Gold Member

Resort Spa

Rhonda Mordecai – Up 51%
Leap Ahead GraduateCoachMe Platinum
& Gold MemberDone For Me Marketing Member

Medi Spa

Randy Vawdrey – Up 66%
Leap Ahead GraduateCoachMe Platinum
& Gold Member

Improve Your Spa Business With LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms, yet rarely do spa professionals use it. We are having a social media seminar on how to benefit from LinkedIn. Your clients are on LinkedIn. You just need a strategy to attract them. If you want to learn how to develop business-to-business relations, and generate clients from LinkedIn, you should listen to this Tele-seminar.

Add To Cart SALE:  $109       REGULAR: price crossout 149 New Spa Revenue

Ten Steps to Developing & Launching Spa Memberships!

Want to Maximize Your Spa/Salon Revenue?
You can by implementing Ten Steps to Developing & Launching Spa Memberships! Gain step-by-step strategies to create a continual revenue stream and improve your bottom line! Offering a spa membership program has many benefits…

Add To Cart SALE:  $67       REGULAR: 

Reactivating Lost Clients

Are you having a hard time reconnecting with clients you’ve lost?
Spas are always at risk of losing clients, but it is possible to encourage them to reconnect and rekindle their love with your services. There is a reason they left, and you need to prove to them that particular reason is no longer valid. From this module, you’ll learn about why clients leave, current client frequency analysis, retention tips, lost clients reactivation campaigns, campaign theme, post campaign action, and surveys and retention. Learn the Let’s Reconnect campaign and regain lost clients!

Add To Cart SALE:  $67       REGULAR: 

Do you offer Tassi in your spa? This is such a fun product to carry! When you use it in your treatment room, your guests will love it so much that they will want to take one home with them. Use promo code “INSPARATION15” to receive 15% off wholesale orders, this offer expires on March 15th, 2015.

Company Name: Tassi
Telephone: 1 (800) 684-4910
Address: 4041 E. Grove Circle
Mesa, AZ 85206-3201

Happy March!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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