July 2014-Spa Productivity Secrets

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A note from Dori

Happy July!

It’s official: half of the year is gone! I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to a very successful second half! We are doing everything to make it your most successful as well.

We are starting with the launch of the new Spa Management Essentials, Volume III. The first module is this month! We are so excited about this new program. It’s going to give you the training material needed to help you train your spa team, saving you time and helping you be more successful!

Speaking of time, I am always asked how I can accomplish so much. My answer is planning. In this issue, we are focusing on how to accomplish more with less time to help you be more productive and have more balance in your life.

Read the Featured Article and discover Spa Productivity Secrets to help you accomplish more and be more successful!

In the Bright Idea, read how you can improve your acne program by learning about Rotational Acne Therapy, the latest innovation in treating acne.

In Dori Recommends, learn how to use the I.C.A.R.E. Coaching Model to help your spa team improve their skills and performance.

Happy 4th & Happy Summer!

spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to InSPArationManagement.com and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

calendar glance May 2014


Content Image InlineCoachMe Gold – Spa Management Essentials III
Topic: Building Your Self-confidence

CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business
Topic: Create Promotions That Sell

CoachMe Silver – Solo-Preneur Series
Topic: My Business Essentials

CoachMe Platinum
Meeting in Orlando July 12th & 13th

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!


Leap Ahead Seminar – Orlando, FL
August 18th – 20th

Leap Ahead Seminar – Los Angeles, CA
September 29th, September 30th & October 1st

Content Image Inline Reserve now and obtain the Blueprint For Success!

Everyone wants to be more productive, but are you? There is a big difference between being busy and being productive. Being productive is a planned activity and being busy is reacting to situations that come your way.

How can you be more productive? Implement the following productive secrets and you will be able to accomplish your goals.

Time management is always a very popular course, but the reason it does not work is because you can’t manage time. Time is time and we all have 24 hours in a day. What we can manage is our attention. So stop trying to manage your time and start managing and controlling your attention; when you do that, you will be able to control your life. Think “attention management” rather than “time management.”

Here are 7 secrets to help you improve your attention management:

  1. Stop Multi-Tasking
    Multi-tasking used to be considered a good skill when, in fact, it actually increases the time it takes to get something done and reduces the quality of work. You would be better off focusing on one thing at a time. You will be able to complete it accurately and quickly.
  2. Stop Email and Other Electronic Interruptions
    Having your email and social media alerts on all the time is very distracting; they cause you to stop what you are working on and lose focus or make you feel the need to address or answer the person who sent you the email or is reaching out via social media. You would be better off doing manual checks a few times per day and staying focused on your tasks. Whoever is trying to reach out to you can wait. Don’t allow electronic gadgets to sabotage your attention from what is important—stay focused and you will accomplish a lot more.
  3. Get Organized
    Having an organized office and computer is liberating. The opposite causes procrastination, trouble with follow-through, easy distraction, and frustrations. Take action today to get your space more organized so you can be more productive.
  4. Working On the Right To-Do List
    Create your list of things to do. Keep the big picture in mind. Ask yourself, which tasks on my to-do list can I delegate to someone else? Stick to your list. Don’t allow the wrong tasks to get on your list so you get distracted from your goals.
    Be aware of your actions and don’t relinquish control. After you create your to-do list, make sure you categorize it. This will help you work smarter and faster.
  5. Prioritizing
    Dwight Eisenhower said, “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” In the book “The Seven Habits of Highly effective People,” Stephen Covey, like Eisenhower, taught the same philosophy. It’s very important to identify what is important and what is urgent. See the quadrant below and ask yourself where you spend most of your time.
  6. It’s important to unload the “shoulds.” These are the nagging tasks that you might think of as the monkey on your back. If you are prioritizing your list by A,B,C, these are the items that should have low priorities. You should delegate the “shoulds” to someone else.

    As a spa leader, focus your attention on being proactive rather than being reactive. You can manage this better if your calendar is about 65% booked, allowing time for unexpected events such as crises.

  7. De-clutter Your Mind
    You can only manage what you can see and you can only see what’s outside your head. Put down on paper all the things you need to remember, commitments, communication, and information that you must manage to keep your life and work running smoothly.

    Once you get the information out of your head, organize it and categorize it using specific language in order to make it manageable and actionable. This practice will free you to be more innovative and come up with solutions for what you need to do to be more productive.

  8. Personal information Manager
    Use available tools to help you be more organized and productive. Programs such as Microsoft Outlook for PC and Mac users are great tools to stay organized. Today’s technology can be very helpful; programs such as calendars, notes, and to-do lists can sync to your smart phone and keep you on track.

Make a commitment to be more productive
and teach your spa team to do the same

Go ahead – implement these seven secrets
and reach a new level of success!


Are you looking for ways to improve your team’s
performance and increase revenue?

Join the New Spa Management Essentials Series and gain strategic ways to train your team!

This Teleseminar series is filled with systems, strategies, and structure to help you elevate the management end of team performance.

Receive Team Training material to help you grow your business!

Join Spa Management Essentials III
Click here to learn more

Spa Coaching Pays Off!

As a spa/salon business owner, one of your biggest responsibilities is recruiting, hiring, training, and coaching the team in order to deliver a great guest experience that will keep your clients coming back.

Coaching is a key component to success. Just like in sports, every team needs a coach. Who is the coach within your organization and are they capable of providing effective coaching to the team?

Spa Coaching Will:

  • Enhance skills and performance
  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Identify weak areas and turn them into successes
  • Develop a good relationship with the supervisor
  • Identify problems and offer solutions
  • Reduce the feeling of low self-worth and frustration
  • Promote professional career growth
  • Strengthen the company’s culture
  • Improve the company’s performance and profits

Use the I.C.A.R.E. spa coaching model for effective performance:

Want to learn more on how to implement the I.C.A.R.E. Spa Coaching model?
Get the CD and the transcript to help you implement it and chart a path to higher level of performance.

$59 Special!

Regular Price $129

Looking for effective acne solutions for your spa menu? Learn about Rotational Acne Therapy, the latest innovation in treating acne.

Dr. Colsky, a dermatologist, MD and PhD, is the creator and founder of Rotational Therapy.

Rotational Therapy™ is a professional skincare line targeting the unique requirements of problematic skin. It was developed to address a major market deficiency in skincare for acne and problem complexions.

As you know, conventional acne skincare can be harsh and drying, leaving the skin sensitive and irritated. Dr. Colsky, who is also the Founder and Medical Director of the Advanced Acne Institute, recognized this shortcoming and decided to do something about it.

He started to research and develop a product line that calms, conditions, and supports the skin barrier to prevent the harsh effects associated with conventional acne skincare.

Today, Rotational Therapy™ is quickly catching the attention of like-minded dermatologists and skincare professionals and is currently in use by dermatologists and estheticians in the United States and abroad.

If you have a medi spa, day spa, or wellness center that offers acne facials, you owe it to yourself to discover Rotational Therapy™ and make it a part of your client’s regimen. They will love you for it.

The line consists of three core products to target acne on multiple levels: B-Clenz™ and Saliclenz® are two medicated wash-off treatments, and the Hydrating Base is the oil-free conditioning lotion.

To learn more about the ingredients, go to www.rotationaltherapy.com or call 305-901-5740. Tell them we referred you and receive complimentary samples.


Want to experience the same level of success?
Join us for the next Leap Ahead!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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