Spa Business Success Library


Are you ready to open a new spa or salon? Or maybe you have one and need to refresh your business model and improve performance.

Either way, we have proven-effective solutions for you! For years, we have been developing, testing and launching spa and salon success business tools to help industry professionals elevate their success.

If you are looking for an A to Z spa and salon blueprint, you are in the right place. This Success Library will help you avoid reinventing the wheel and provide you with the most essential tools you will need to run your spa business successfully.

We invite you to explore and purchase all the tools below for one price!
CoachMe Series

1.Be more SUCCESSFUL ever – CoachMe Gold – Spa Business Success
2.How EFFECTIVE is your management team? – CoachMe Gold – Spa Management Essentials Vol. I
3.INCREASE Your Spa’s Capacity! – CoachMe Gold – Marketing For Success Vol. I & II

For Therapists

4.BOOST your retail and treatment – Don’t Sell, “Recommend”!
5.TRANSFORM your performance – Personal Transformation
6.CONVERT the reception department into a revenue hub – Spa Reception & Profits
7.INCREASE Your INCOME – Success With Guest Consultation

For Leaders – Team Building

8.Do You Have a Spa Membership Program? – 10 Steps to Developing & Launching Spa Memberships
9.Get answers to your employment questions – Employment Law Dos & Don’ts
10.SELECT and hire a productive team – Blueprint to Effective Team Building
11.Gain peace of mind and SECURE your business – Employee Manual and Position Descriptions

For Leaders – Financial

12.Increase REVENUE by tapping into three effective business strategies – Geometric Growth
13.CUT your compensation cost – VPG CompPlan – Overview
14.Innovative COMPENSATION – Volume Per Guest Compensation Plan
15. Financial PLANNING– Spa Budget

For Leaders – Marketing

16. Make your life easier and more successful! – SPA Business Success Manuals
17. Do you have a spa strategy for lead generation? – Build Your Spa List & Grow Your Business!
18. INCREASE your spa’s traffic – Economical Marketing Strategies
19. EARN thousands of dollars in two hours – Successful Event Planning
20. REPOSITION your spa to wellness – Journey into Profit with Wellness Programs
21. Entice your guests to BUY more products – Innovative Merchandising Strategies
22. Steps to creating your spa PROGRAM – Menu Development Dos and Don’ts
23. PLANNING your annual marketing strategies – Marketing for Success Plan (101 page workbook)
24. ECONOMICAL marketing strategies – CoachMe Gold – 10 Economical Marketing Strategies
25. It is time to make your website work 24/7! – Your Website Working For You!


Complete Library for: $9567
(regular price $11,255)

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Stop reinventing the wheel, invest in the
For more information visit the Biztools page!

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Don’t take our word for it, see what other spa/salon professionals are saying about InSPAration Management.

Investing in the Success Library was the best thing I did for my business!
My business grew 45% over a 12-month period by implementing the CDs content, thanks InSPAration Management you made it easier on me and my team!”

Beth Pestotnik, President and CEO
Skin Essentials, CO


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