Social Media Frenzy

How much time are you spending on Social Media?  Some people are so addicted that they are letting other important tasks take a back seat.  I hope you aren’t caught in this trap.  It’s good to focus on social media, but within reason. There are so many social media platforms today.  The biggest and most popular are still Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and LinkedIn. They can interrupt your day and easily get you side tracked.

If you are a business owner, you might be saying, I need to spend time to stay up to date. Yes, you do but in moderation.  Keep in mind that social media is only one marketing channel. There are many other marketing strategies you still need to focus on.  How much time are you spending on Facebook?

According to the latest statistical research, an average person spends almost 6 hours per month on Facebook.  By now, you probably have heard about Facebook’s stock performance. It’s not a secret that  Facebook’s stock is not performing as well as expected.  So now, Facebook is trying to figure out how they can get you to spend money so they can sell to more advertisers in order to insure their stock value.  What can you do to still be part of this frenzy but still focus on your business and other marketing strategies?

Stop feeling overwhelmed and make a new plan.

1. Limit the time you spend on social media.  Place social media time on your schedule. Allocate either 10 or 15 minutes to simply view your pages, make a couple of comments and move on.  If you use time on social media for your business, you might want to consider having someone write your content.  Then, you simply post it. This practice will greatly reduce the amount of time you spend on social media.  We will give you an entire month of content, all you have to do is post it.  Contact for more info.  We can save you a lot of time and effort!

2. Find balance.  It is not feast or famine.  You don’t need too many social sites to focus on.  Choose one or two at the most.  But don’t drop social media all together because you lack self-control or have time management issues.

3. Mix it up.  Try not to duplicate content.  This is a quick way to irritate clients and lose subscribers. People don’t like seeing the exact same content on every social media site. Instead, mix it up a bit to keep things fresh.

4. Your online reputation.  Address problems quickly on social platforms.  Make contact and turn a foe into a friend. If you don’t have the time, either hire help or work with a reputable social media manager to manage your online reputation.

5. Feeling stressed about numbers? Sometimes business owners feel they can do it all by wearing all the hats.  But frankly there is not enough time in the day to do all you need to do. You may want to consider having someone help you.  Check out “Done For You Marketing.”  It will help take the pressure off and assist you with your marketing efforts.

Are you having some Social Media challenges? We can help you!



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