Make your Spa Web Site Work For You!

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Your Spa Website as a Revenue Center!
Make Money with your Spa Web Site

How effective is your web site?

Here are some questions your should be asking yourself in order to to make necessary adjustments and achieve the results you deserve.

1. Is your web site more than just an online brochure?
Many people make the mistake of simply creating a web site that is nothing more than a company brochure online. If consumers happen to stumble on it, they may stay less than 1 minute, then leave with no desire to ever come back. These types of sites kill your online efforts. They lack engagement and communication. All they talk about is “our this” and “our that.”

2. Is your web site engaging visitors?
Many spa web sites we visit don’t give consumers the opportunity to begin building a relationship by engaging them as soon as they arrive on the home page. They lack rich content and conversation starters.

3. Is your spa web site helping build your client list?
Rarely do I see a spa web site home page that captures people’s information. This is a key tool that will help build your client list and expand your database. Go to and see all the ways we engage visitors. We have:

1. The CoachMe Silver complimentary entry
2. Ask a spa coach
3. Take spa assessments
4. Register to win – CoachMe Gold CDs
5. Subscribe to InSPAration Moments – your spa business partner e-zine

We have five ways to capture new visitor’s information and begin building relationships. How many ways do you have on your home page to capture your visitor’s information and build your client list?

4. Is your web site copy capturing visitors’ attention?
Is your copy clear and focused on benefits? In most cases, spa web site content lacks a call to action or complimentary offers to entice your visitors to opt-in your list. Are you sharing information that is important to your visitors? Are you helping them solve their problems and challenges? We have several complimentary calls, webinars, articles, e-newsletters, and so much more to keep visitors coming back!

5. Is your web site generating revenue?
Large sums of revenue can be generated from your web site, if marketed properly. Selling gift cards and products online is a great revenue source to increase your overall profits. We make the shopping experience Super Special. We have two methods:
Shop by Category or View all Biztools.

6. Do you track and measure your website visits?
Google Analytics is a free service you can sign up for, to see how much traffic you receive on your website and how long people are staying once they visit your page. Tracking your performance is the key to knowing why you need to make changes. Take the time to review how good your website is performing and make it better!!

Need help with your spa web site? Let us know we can help write your content and build it to generate revenue and help you elevate your spa’s success!

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