Spa Team Accountability

Building a successful spa team requires accountability, and that starts from the top of the organization. Let’s have a moment of truth. Do you have a systematic approach to team accountability? It you don’t, you must! Start with a very detailed spa position description for each position within the spa. Outline all responsibilities, skill requirements, education and expectations. In addition, it is wise to have an attachment outlining all areas that each team member will be accountable for.

Here is a list to get you started:

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Spa Employee Manual and Position Descriptions

• Team expectations and accountability
o Monthly performance goals for service and retail volume
o Guest satisfaction and follow-up
o Number of Referrals
o Retention rate
o Number of self generated guests
o Future reservation attempts
o Series sales
o Promotion sales
o Cross promoting
o Work ethics
o Teamwork
o Attitude
o Image

One thing I frequently notice when we work with new clients is the lack of performance measures and accountability. Everything is loosey goosey.
But it shouldn’t be that way. If you are serious about your business, then you must be serious about team performance.

Could you imagine if a sports team just showed up to play a game and no score was kept. I love using sports analogies.
In sports, everything is measured. Team members are held accountable for the way they play the game. Think about it… they measure:
Number of points, fouls, rebounds, turnovers, assists, fast breaks, and so on… Why don’t we use measurements like that? We should. If you want a high performance team, standards need to be set and the team needs to be held accountable.

Here we are in Sept lets finish the year off strong! Go ahead  make necessary adjustments by joining us for the next Leap Ahead Spa leader seminar.

Remember to recognize your team for a job well done when they reach or exceed their goals. It is important to celebrate a winning effort. When people feel valued and appreciated, they are more productive!

So go ahead, get your team motivated, keep them engaged, challenge them and watch your spa performance soar!!![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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