What is the Best Way to Set Medi Spa & Spa Goals?

This Video Explains The Best Way To Set Medi Spa & Spa Goals.

January is a great time to set up some annual goals, quarterly goals and weekly goals!

What is the best way to set goals for the entire year?

There are three types of goals:

  • Short Term Goals
  • Medium Term Goals
  • Long Term Goals

I found the best way to set goals as a team is to do an event with a Vision Board! Make the event a fun evening meeting. Buy some pizza and refreshments!

Go to the Dollar Store and buy one of those big poster boards, then go to Barnes and Nobles or Books a Million and buy a bunch of Travel Magazines, Golfing Magazines, get some glue, sparkles, etc… Then have your medi spa team go through the magazines and each person can do their own Vision Board to set down all the things they want to accomplish this year.

What I tell my Platinum & Titanium Members is to take a picture of their medi spa team members boards and stick it in their file. So, whenever you’re doing a coaching session and the spa team member is not reaching their goals, you can reach in their file and pull out the picture of that vision board and reiterate why they are doing what they are doing, their purpose, the things that are important to them and the things they want to achieve.

Relating this back to them can keep that goal alive for the entire year. It refocuses them and makes them want to achieve their goals.

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