Medical Aesthetics Differentiation & Success

In today’s competitive world you find a medical aesthetic practice, spa, or wellness center on every corner. Many see that as a challenge and most begin competing on price and playing the price war games. This type of action leads to slim profits or none at all.

Instead, it’s best to compete on expertise and differentiation, so you can raise your prices and earn your true worth!

Let’s start with some facts:

Consumers are more likely to find your medical aesthetic practice online using their handheld devices. They go searching on Google to find what they’re looking for and they make their decision based on what they see. They look at one website after another, read articles, watch videos, etc. And here lies the problem. Most medical aesthetics practices websites are online brochures, they simply provide basic information, and many look exactly the same. They lack engagement, opting-in opportunities, valuable and relevant information, case studies, results, good before and after pictures, call-to-action, and the list goes on…

What is wrong with this picture? Everyone blends in. There is no differentiation and clear option on how you are the only choice.

Not many places actually use Authority Marketing as a strategy! Yet it’s the best and most economical way to market your spa and medical spa business.

What is Authority Marketing?

Authority Marketing is positioning you and/or your spa or medi spa as the leader, the expert, the authority, the celebrity, in your community for what you do. It’s making it obvious that you are the only choice!

So how do you do that? By implementing 5 Differentiation Secrets to compete on expertise instead of price.

Become Published Books

Secret #1. Assess your Current Medical Spa Positioning

Assess the impression you are making on consumers when they find you. Are you like everyone else or do they notice the differentiation between you and your competition? Is it obvious or barely noticeable? Be honest with yourself and ask others to view your online presence and give you feedback.

Here is what you can assess:
New Book Coming Soon
Medical Aesthetics Success by Dori Soukup

Make the necessary brand improvement, do it now, and don’t delay starting your path into differentiation.

Secret #2. Write, Write, and Write More…

Writing about what you do and how you transform people’s lives is a huge differentiation factor. When a consumer is on your site and see case studies, transformations, success stories… When people read or watch those stories, it will help them form an opinion about the results you deliver, and they will reach out to you. What do you think of someone who has written a book or who writes articles, or blogs? When I ask this question at some of the medical spa business seminars we conduct, I usually receive answers such as the person is an expert, they know what they’re talking about, they are a professional, successful and the list goes on… My advice is to at least publish a monthly newsletter! Like the one you’re reading now. We publish this newsletter monthly on the first of each month. We have not missed an issue in 11 years. Subscribe now.  The more you write, the better your Google positioning is. No need to spend thousands of dollars on Google ad words. Content is what Google loves. The more you write, the better your positioning is on google. When I wrote my first book, my business went on steroids. I am about to publish my fourth book. Look for it in June. It’s called Medical Aesthetic success! Your Business in the BLACK!

Writing your book will give you the same results. Here are some of the reasons why you should start writing about what you do!

  1. Positions you as an expert
  2. Set yourself apart from everyone else
  3. Become an authority, rise above the competition
  4. Use the book to gain more exposure, credibility and attract new clients
  5. Raise your prices – increase your profits
  6. Utilize as a great marketing tool to gain opt-ins
  7. Increase revenue
  8. Work less, achieve success, and have more freedom

You may be saying yes Dori, I would love to write more, but a book that’s a big undertaking. My answer to that is yes, you are right, but we have a seminar that simplifies the entire process and attendees do write their book in one weekend. We’ve helped many professionals become published authors and we can help you too.

To learn more about this event Go to

Secret #3. Establish a YouTube Channel

Video marketing is one of the most effective and most economical ways to show differentiation! You can place videos on your website, social media platforms, in emails, in your facility, etc. When consumers see your videos with tips on how to address concerns, they will view you as an expert. Fill your YouTube channel with videos on how you help members of the community and how you transform people’s lives.

There are many different types of videos you can publish, such as a tour of your facility, consumer tips, case studies, success stories, testimonials, what’s new, product reviews, and more. Start now! If you have not subscribed to the InSPAration Management YouTube channel do so now. There you will see hundreds of videos to help you with your business. It has helped us tremendously and it will help you too!

Secret #4. Speak at Events and Host Podcasts and Webinars

Speak At Events & Webinars Speaking is another great way to practice authority marketing. You can start small, by doing Lunch and Learns, or Happy Hour events, move on to bigger medical aesthetics events, and then to public speaking. The more you speak about your expertise and how you help people, the more of a celebrity you become. More and more people will recognize you as the go-to person for your expertise and for what you do in your community. Your name will become more familiar, and more people will be talking about you, your business, and what you do. After all, word of mouth is still the best form of marketing.

There are always new treatments, technologies, and solutions to concerns people have. The best way to promote your new medi spa treatments and or spa products is by hosting educational events. Consumers will again view you as a forward thinker, an expert, a person who is always seeking new solutions and treatments. When you educate members of your community, they will purchase from you. Remember to always make an offer at the end of your educational events to introduce your attendees to new options, convert them into new clients, and generate revenue.

Secret #5. Social Proof – Testimonials and Reviews

Consumers are more likely to find your medical aesthetic practice online using their handheld devices. They go searching on Google to find what they’re looking for and they make their decision based on what they see. They look at one website after another, read articles, watch videos, etc. And here lies the problem. Most medical aesthetics practices websites are online brochures, they simply provide basic information, and many look exactly the same. They lack engagement, opting-in opportunities, valuable and relevant information, case studies, results, good before and after pictures, call-to-action, and the list goes on…

What is wrong with this picture? Everyone blends in. There is no differentiation and clear option on how you are the only choice.

I encourage you to implement these 5 secrets and you will definitely improve your positioning, differentiate yourself from other businesses, and reach a higher level of success!

Once you take action implementing, people will visit you online, they will see: Your book, your blog, your videos, your educational programs, your testimonials, your success stories and they will choose you over the competition! It’s no longer about price, or dog eat dog strategies, it’s about kindness and competing on expertise! You will be the only choice!!

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