Marketing your spa in 2012

Are you looking for Success in 2012?
Sure you are… its time to focus on Marketing!

Content Image InlineMarketing is one of the most important keys to your success. Without marketing, you won’t maximize your spa’s capacity or your revenue generation. You need to have an annual marketing plan in order to insure a steady flow of new and repeat guests visiting your spa or salon. Having a marketing plan is what separates a successful business from one that is barely surviving. Here are 7 Easy Steps to help you create your marketing plan:

1. Take some time to focus on your marketing needs.
Do a 2011 assessment. Evaluate what worked and what needs to change. Then, plan your 2012 success.

2. Identify your target market.
Who are your clients? Create a client profile that best describes your clients. Research their demographics (age, income, lifestyle) and psychographics (likes and dislikes).

3. Match the right menu and price to your target market.
Is your menu selling your services or is it just a price list? Does it describe treatments in enticing ways that make clients say “I want that treatment”? Refresh your offerings focusing on wellness and beauty. Check out The Menu Development Dos and Don’ts CD to help you improve your menu.

4. Set a marketing budget.
Many people think that marketing requires large budgets. But that is not the case. There are many economical marketing strategies you can participate in. Practice this rule of thumb: invest 10% of your gross revenue into marketing. Determine your monthly marketing investment and apply it to your economical marketing mix to help increase exposure and traffic.

5. Choose your marketing mix.
Many spa owners think that advertising is the main type of marketing to participate in, but that is not the case. There are many marketing mix options to choose from. In the LEAP Ahead Spa Leader Seminar, we cover over 72 different economical marketing strategies you can participate in and are designed specifically to increase your spa traffic and revenue.

6. Develop your spa marketing material.
Your marketing material needs to match your image and deliver a compelling message to take action. Too often we see spa menus, brochures, ads or email blasts that don’t ask the target market to take action.

7. Plan your spa marketing calendar.
Here is the biggest mistake we encounter. Many people don’t have a marketing calendar for the entire year! Without a calendar you are reacting rather than planning. For example, now you should be planning Valentines’ Day. It should be on your calendar with a list of things that need to be done in advance to insure a profitable Valentine’s month. Yes, month not just day.

Take time this month to assess your marketing needs and plan your entire year. Don’t delay, start now! You saw how fast 2010 went by, so don’t let 2011 pass you by without an annual marketing plan. Take time to plan your success!

Need help with your marketing plan? We have one prepackaged and ready for implementation. See spa marketing options for details.

Happy Marketing!

Oh one more thing to help you. We have an audio marketing preview call you can listen to at no charge. It’s on the LEAP Ahead preview page. There are several audios on there you will find helpful. The marketing one is “Steps to Creating a Marketing Plan”, scroll down on the preview page and you will see it. Enjoy. Or if you want to improve your marketing you can join CoachMe Gold and enjoy exponential growth in 2012.

Happy New Year!!

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