Loving Your Medical Aesthetics Business

Loving Your Medical Aesthetics Business - Newsletter Banner

Happy February!

May love be all around you this month and always. Speaking of love, are you in love with your work? This month we focus on how to love your medical aesthetics or med spa business, so it loves you back.

Have you read, “The 5 Languages of Love?” In this issue, we are talking about the 6 Love Languages For Your Medical Aesthetic Business. Watch or read this month’s Dori Talks and discover how to fall in love again with your Med Spa business and your profession.    

In the Member Spotlight meet Jennifer Salerno and get inspired by the exponential growth she and her team have experienced. 

Leap Into Success by Watching a Complimentary Webinar 

(available on demand)  

Remember to Register To Win a Complimentary seat to the LEAP Ahead seminar  

Product of the Month – Forecasting and Budgeting for Success!  

Special Dates: 
Recipes for Success Volume IV Module II 
Success with Story Telling 

Brewing Brilliance 
Setting up a Great Performance-Based Compensation Model

Leap Ahead Seminar 
Join us Feb 26-28 Daytona Beach, FL. 

Have a great February!
Dori & Team

6 Love Languages For Your Business - Dori Talks Banner

Let’s talk about love. Falling in love is one of the most beautiful emotions one can experience. You’ve got spark, flames, passion, happiness, excitement, you can’t wait to be with that person, but falling in love does not have to be with another person. You can fall in love with your Medical Aesthetic business or that one thing you love to do.  

When you started your Med Spa business, you began a relationship. Initially, you had all those loving emotions, you couldn’t wait to get up in the morning and go to work. 

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Complimentary Medical Aesthetics Business Webinar

Loving Your Medical Aesthetics Business - Newsletter Banner

Discover Case Studies From
Leap Ahead Graduates & Members

Want to get inspired and motivated to make millions with your Medi Spa?  

Watch this complimentary webinar and see how Med Spa professionals just like you went from making 1M to making $3,4 and $5 MM per year with their Medical Aesthetics business. 

See their Med Spa businesses before their transformation, and their Med Spa business after the transformation!

Register now! It will be worth your time to watch it.

Reach Success The Fastest Way Possible!

Seminar Dates:
February 26th, 27th, & 28th
Daytona Beach, FL

The winner will receive a ticket to a three-day business seminar.

Attending will help you gain an entire blueprint on how to operate your medical spa or medical practice successfully.

Register now to win a complimentary seat to

the LEAP Ahead Leadership Seminar.

The winner will be announced February 4th on social media.

Congratulations To The Skin Savvy Team!

Congratulations to Jennifer Salerno and her team on their Success!

Skin Savvy is located in Hermosa Beach, CA
In 2020 their revenue was $2.1 million
In 2021 their revenue was $3.5 million

An increase of $1.4 million in revenue! that’s a 70% growth rate!

Congratulations to Jennifer, Bree the manager, and the entire Skin Savvy team on their growth!

Are you experiencing this type of growth?

If not, it’s time for you to become a member and tap into the medical aesthetic business model. We can teach you too how to grow your medical spa exponentially!

Reserve a Success Planning Session and let us help you chart a successful path!

The Ideal Financial Tool For Your Medi Spa!

We invite you to check out the product of the month and gain the ability to manage your financials instead of them managing you!

This is a new program that focuses on how to forecast your annual revenue and budget accurately. This seven-part program consists of a step-by-step process to accomplish this important business function!

What You Will Gain: 

  1. Most common financial challenges
  2. Assessing your business
  3. Planning a successful financial strategy
  4. Forecasting your financial future
  5. Developing your budget
  6. Sharing the goals with the team
  7. Steps to monitor your financial performance

Regular Price

Special Price

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