Lifetime Client Journey For Medical Aesthetics

Take Your Clients On A Journey

Happy June!

I love June, not only because we celebrate Father’s Day, but also because it’s the beginning of the summer!

We have a busy month planned for you! First, this month’s Dori Talks is a must-watch or read! It’s on How to Design and Implement a Successful Lifetime Client Journey for your medical aesthetic practice. You will gain 8 steps to help with the process. 

This month we are hosting two live webinars. 1. Recipes for Success, the topic is how to Sell High Ticket Medical Spa Programs! 2. Brewing Brilliance, the topic is Business Model Defined.

We are expanding and are looking for business coaches. If you know anyone, please refer them to us!

June 19th is Father's Day, we wish all Dads a Super Happy Father’s Day!

Dori and Team

8 Steps to Designing and Implementing a Successful 
Lifetime Client Journey for Your Medical Aesthetic Practice


Have you assessed your lifetime client journey—from lead to consultation, to first treatment, to VIP membership, and lifetime client? This article is about discovering  8 Steps To Help You Design And Implement A Super Successful Lifetime Client Journey that will lead to exponential growth and your medspa business running on autopilot.


In your practices, you transform people's lives and help them look and feel great. With us, we help medical professionals and entrepreneurs like you transform their business by implementing an effective business model, so client retention is increased, client satisfaction is ...

Do you realize that your reception department or patient coordinators, whatever title you gave them can make or break your business? 
Why? Because your Guest Relations department (what we call them) plays a key role in the delivery of the guest’s lifetime journey. Their position includes important responsibilities that could either lead to a lifetime relationship or once and done.
Here are some of their duties and how they impact your business.


Initial contact management – a consumer could  reach out initially either by email, text, or call.  How they manage those leads, the initial interaction is crucial to the guest’s impression on...

Congratulations to Dr. Tumbaga and her team for working hard on implementing the business model we teach! 

She joined us in January of 2021, and she hit the grown running. Dr. Tumbaga first worked on her team’s culture to gain buy-in and shared her vision. Then she started training them on clinical skills and business, the entire guest/patient experience.

Dr. Tumbaga is full of determination and desire to make a difference in people’s lives. The entire team is focused on helping their guest prevent, correct, and maintain a healthier more beautiful self. They are on a mission to excellence! They continue to grow through training and the implementation of the guest lifetime journey model.  

We love her and her team for the dedication they have made to enhance not only their location but to also help the industry as a whole!

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