InSPAration Moments • Featured Article – May 2020

Practicing Innovation, Adaptation & Implementation Equals Medspa/Spa Success


Do you want to know what it takes to maintain business success during the Coronavirus outbreak? You might be thinking, “Is this possible now?” Yes, it is!

In this article you will read a true success story about the Aestique team and how through openness to innovation, adaptation, and guided implementation they were able to reach success levels beyond imagination, even during the Coronavirus pandemic.

How did they do it?

First, let me emphasize that this story is about the Aestique team. They did most of the work; they are the HEROES! I was the guide and the implementation advisor, and they did the rest. It was a team effort.

It all started around mid-March when I held a Mastermind Meeting to help InSPAration Management members minimize business disruptions and come up with a recovery plan to combat the Coronavirus.

I had to move quickly and wisely, in the middle of a storm. We were all hit hard, head on; it put us off our tracks. But I knew I had to put on my innovative, problem-solving hat and go to work, many people were counting on me. I shifted into INNOVATION gear quickly to address two of the biggest problems my clients are having that if not addressed they won’t be able to navigate through the storm and come out of it strong.

Client Challenges:

  • They are disconnected from their clients and teams
  • They need to generate revenue NOW

I knew immediately that it was time to teach everyone how to take their business online so they can resolve both of these challenges.

First, I worked on and introduced the INNOVATIVE W.E.D.A.R.E. Online Consultation System during the Brewing Brilliance webinar. We came up with all the tools they needed, a presentation template to use, role played the whole online approach for them, showed the members how to market it, how to reserve online consultations, how to help their clients, and generate revenue. Members brainstormed about it, practiced it, and then they were ready to implement.
I did my part, now they are doing their part.

As soon as Briana, Lynda, and their team heard me explain the system, they immediately ADAPTED. They embraced the system and customized it, planned, and launched the marketing for it, and they were off doing online consultations. They were so excited that even Dr. Lazarro, a leading plastic surgeon and founder of Aestique, was off doing online consultations and reserving future plastic surgery procedures. They were so happy that they found a way to stay connected to their clients and community as well as generating revenue and maintaining profitability.

I would receive messages from Lynda and Briana telling me about the great results they were getting from following the W.E.D.A.R.E. system. Many other members were also experiencing the same success!

Everyone is doing consultations and selling retail products. They sold so much they run out of stock and were complaining about shipping fees. I was so happy to hear that. Music to my ears, “They are paying a lot in shipping fees.” Wouldn’t you want that problem now? They are all doing well!

Once everyone started their online consultations it was time to magnify the efforts.

The next big strategy I taught and shared with the Mastermind Members was how to plan, conduct, and host successful webinars. Why, you may be thinking?

Because the benefits are endless…

10 Benefits To Hosting Webinars

  1. Stay connected, educate, and inform consumers
  2. Share your message and help members of the community
  3. Build your reputation, position yourself as an expert
  4. Increase consumer awareness for what you do, therefore increasing revenue
  5. Deliver valuable content and expand your reach
  6. Multipurpose your webinar efforts on multiple social media platforms
  7. Ability to generate many leads, new prospects
  8. Become an influencer
  9. Generate revenue
  10. Expand your reach

I wanted them to reach a bigger audience, get them engaged, discuss exciting topics, make offers and generate revenue. So instead of one to one effort, you have one to many efforts. It’s like fishing in a barrel.

I was thinking they’ve got to welcome and buy-in on this idea. So I presented the plan to them, gave them step-by-step instructions on how to do them, gave them example emails to gain attendees, PowerPoint presentation structures, all the things they needed to conduct webinars successfully.

The Mastermind Members loved the idea and decided to implement it. My job was to push them and show them what they can accomplish if they had a navigation map to follow. I knew if they IMPLEMENT it, they will achieve success. I was confident because I’ve used webinars as a marketing strategy for years and it has helped my company tremendously.

Within a couple of days, we went through the training and many hit the ground running with promoting their webinar theme, getting people to register, and hosting webinars. I could not wait to see the results. Words don’t describe the happiness I experienced when my phone, email, and text messages started coming in telling me about their results. I was so proud. I was so happy to see members happy, doing well, and making a positive impact while generating revenue for themselves.

Time to Get Inspired! You too can do these for success now!

Hosting a webinar for your community and your clients for about 35 minutes and at the end, you generate $15,540 in injectable pre-sales! That is what Briana and her PA Nadine were able to do after one webinar, and are still doing it!

Imagine shipping $2,000 in retail products daily.

Imagine doing an online consultation and selling a $20K procedure.

Imagine selling $4,000 worth of supplements from online consultations.

Imagine doing a Facetime live for 30 minutes and generating nearly $3,000.

How would you feel? Happy, excited, and fulfilled that you helped people!

Aestique’s efforts from the W.E.D.A.R.E. online consultation system and the webinar strategies they IMPLEMENTED made them PROFITABLE last month, even in the middle of a pandemic.

Can you say the same for your business? If yes, please share your story. And if not, now is the time to make a change.

Invest in yourself and your team. Learn and IMPLEMENT these two proven effective medspa and spa specific business success strategies and you too can be maintaining and succeeding. See the Bright Idea for more details about both tools.

I am so proud of the InSPAration Management Mastermind Group, there is no other group like them. I am so happy and excited for what the future holds for all of us!

Remember, it truly takes a COMMITMENT to INNOVATE, ADAPT, AND IMPLEMENT to reach this level of success!

A special thank you to all Mastermind Members for being open to change and being able to adapt and implement successfully with their medspa business!

Want to learn how to be a Mastermind? Apply Here!

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