September 2015-The impressions we make on each other

A note from Dori

Happy September!

Wow! The summer is over, school is back in, and before you know it…we will all be preparing for the holidays.

I experienced both happy and sad moments last month. I was happy because my son Charlie started a new chapter in his life …starting college. I was sad because he moved out of the house? Yes, we are empty nesters now and it’s very strange not having Charlie around. He is now living in Gainesville at the University of Florida. We moved him in on August 20th and I have to tell you what a great experience the whole process was. UF has their systems in place. Read the Featured Article and re-evaluate The Impressions You Make on Your Guests.

In the Bright Idea, I am inviting you to listen to the tele-seminar I did about Writing a Book in One Weekend. We had record-breaking attendance. It turns out that many of you are interested in writing your book. Read the Bright Idea and gain access to a complimentary MP3 File. read more…

In the Dori Recommends, we are introducing a new CoachMe Gold Series to help you with your marketing and sales efforts. The new CMG series is called Innovative Marketing and Sales Strategies. You are going to love the outline! Join us for a complimentary read more…

and the InSPAration Management Team
spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
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calendar glance


CoachMe Gold – Financial Freedom
Topic: Building Your Selling Team
Date: September 14th, 2015 – Join Us!

Expert Interview
Topic: Successful Business Strategies you can Apply
Date: September 8th, 2015 – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business! Volume II
Topic:Becoming More Productive
Date: September 1st, 2015 – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Spa Social Media Marketing
Topic: Using YouTube To Promote Your Spa
Date: September 22nd, 2015

CoachMe Platinum
Conference call on September 3th at 2pm EST

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!


Leap Ahead Seminar – Orlando, FL

Congratulations to the August Leap Ahead graduates! They are now ready to Leap!
Reserve your seat now for next year!

Do you remember the last time someone made a great impression on you? I have to say I was very impressed with how organized the University Of Florida was in regards to welcoming the freshmen. The moving-in process was seamless. After we moved Charlie in, we were invited to attend the new student Convocation. A total of 6500 freshmen and their parents attended. The Convocation was very well orchestrated. The students were welcomed by the UF president and other UF leaders and professors. A few leaders spoke to the freshmen and they had great words of wisdom, advice, and encouragement. They even had them stand up and pledge to be great Gators.

The Dean had a great message for the students. He shared a concise and brief message. He said to always:

1. Ask Questions
2. Discover
3. Connect

This message was simple, but so valuable, not only for freshmen, but for all of us to remember and practice.
Let’s explore each one of these words and how they apply to you as an entrepreneur.

1. Ask questions
What types of questions do you ask?
Years ago, I learned the power of asking the right questions while attending a Tony Robbins seminar. He taught me that quality questions create a quality life. They direct our mental focus and therefore, determine how we think and feel. The difference in the quality of people’s lives often comes down to the difference in the questions they consistently ask themselves. If you ask a disempowering question (i.e. “Why does this always happen to me?”), your mental computer will look for an answer, even if it has to make something up! It might come up with “Because you’re stupid” or “Because you don’t deserve to do well anyway.”
On the flip side, if you ask an empowering question, such as, “How can I take this experience and use it to contribute to others?” your brain will look for answers to this question and often come up with an answer that not only makes you feel better, but that can help others as well.
The key is to develop a pattern of questions that empower you. Your questions should help you experience more happiness, excitement, pride, gratitude, joy, commitment, and love every day of your life. Come up with two or three answers for each of these questions. If you have difficulty, simply replace “am I” with the words “could I be.” For example, “What could I be happy about in my life right now?”

1. What am I most happy about in my life now? What about that makes me happy? How does that make me feel?
2. What am I most proud about in my life now? What about that makes me proud? How does that make me feel?
3. What am I committed to in my life right now? What about that makes me committed? How does that make me feel?

Turn your negative questions into opportunities to improve.
Ask questions such as:

How can I improve my profit line?
How can I increase my capacity?
How can I have a dream team?

…And find the answers.

GOD told us “ask and you shall receive.” So start asking the right types of questions and find the answers to help you reach your goals. Make asking the right questions a habit and you will be able to have a better life.

2. Discover
I love this word “Discover.”
There is nothing more satisfying then discovering new and exciting things. Whether it’s new business strategies, new electronic gadgets, a new app, or a new place to visit that will make you feel great. Being on the lookout all the time for new business discoveries gives you an edge over others.

So, if you are a freshmen in your business or a senior…no matter where you are now in your medi spa or spa business, I encourage you to always be a student and to always ask questions, connect, and discover.

3. Connect
This is a big one. Connecting with the right people is really powerful.

As we were moving Charlie into his dorm, we had to go up and down the elevator a few times and every time we would have different students with us. Usually, people don’t talk in elevators, but not me. I helped Charlie meet at least 15 new students who lived in his building by asking questions and connecting. I was applying the two points the Dean made before I even heard his message.

How well do you connect with members of your community? Your guests? Your team?

Do you meet new people all the time? Do you connect and reconnect with people you know? Connecting with people helps you build a great spa team, your spa business, and your social life. Everything in life is based on connecting. As humans, we need to connect all the time and help each other.

Need help? Call us or email us at

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Do you practice Authority Marketing?

We have a gift for you!

Listen to a complimentary tele-seminar and discover how you can use Authority Marketing to market your business!
If you are an entrepreneur who owns a spa or medi spa business, we encourage you to write a book and give your business the edge over the competition. Being a published author will put your business on steroids.
This is exactly what the CoachMe Platinum members did! They are now published authors.
Listen to the tele-seminar and see if writing a book is for you.

You must submit a form expressing your interest and what topic you would like to address. We are only taking 20 people. Apply now so you can join us for the New seminar on How to Write a Book in One Weekend!

Don’t delay! This is going to be sold very fast.

Register Now

Innovative Marketing and Sales Strategies

We are introducing a new CoachMe Gold Series to help you with your marketing and sales efforts. The new CMG series is called Innovative Marketing and Sales Strategies. You are going to love the results you will gain!

You’re invited to a complimentary tele-seminar on Sept 29th at 3:00 PM (EDT) to gain a sample of what you will learn. This series is going to focus on learning new strategies on how to implement them within your business.

Click here to register and to join us.

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Video for Social Media

Gain techniques and strategies and how to use Video for Social Media

We are providing you with access to this CoachMe Gold module that was held a week ago.This is normally available to CoachMe Gold Members only, but we are providing you with the ability to purchase it so you can experience the knowledge and coaching that members normally do.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Why video?
  • Tools to use
  • Editing tools
  • How to create
  • Formula for creating successful videos
  • Launching your video
  • Repurposing video

Purchase Now and Save Big!

Buy Now SALE:  $99      REGULAR: 99 crossed out New Spa Revenue

Successful Business Strategies You Can Apply

Cheri Satterfield is the founder and CEO of C.J.S. Enterprises, which encompasses Tuscan Sun Spa and Salon, a salon and spa chain with two locations and a third opening in the fall of 2015. As well as Tanning World and Electric Beach, with six locations in West Virginia, she has led the companies to employ over 100 team members.

The call will be at 3:00 PM (EDT) on Tuesday, September 8th.

Click Here To Learn More & To Reserve Your Spot!

Join by September 8th & gain access to the two previous interviews as a bonus!

Join Now SALE:  $29      REGULAR: 99 crossed out New Spa Revenue

Smart Spa Marketing

Marketing is the heart of every business. “Done For Me Spa Marketing” offers everything you need to market your spa business effectively.

Monthly, you will receive:

  • Newsletter
  • Email blast
  • Social media
  • Website updates


Bonus: 1 CoachMe Gold Membership (A value of $149/month – Annual $1,788!)

Save $100 Now!

Happy September!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

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