August 2015-7 Steps to Your Spa’s Holiday Success!

A note from Dori

It’s back to school time!
This month, my son Charlie is going to the University of Florida! He will be studying Biochemistry to help him become a doctor specializing in cancer research. I am sure there are many of you who are sending your children off to college this month, also. Let’s wish them all a great, safe, and fun journey! Go Gators! Go Charlie!

I am writing this issue while traveling from Orlando to San Diego to host the CoachMe Platinum meeting. I love working while flying. I get a lot accomplished. This issue is filled with great content to help you improve your business and become more successful!

CoachMe Platinum Members

Read the 7 Steps To Your Spa’s Holiday Success! This Featured Article will provide you with insight on how to plan your Holiday Success. Holidays already? Yes! If you don’t start planning now. read more…

Are you using your video camera to record clients’ comments, before and after results, the latest treatments, etc.? Read Dori Recommends and learn how you can improve your positioning and gain new clients with your YouTube channel. read more…

Have you been wanting to write a book but you don’t know where to start, how to do it, or don’t have the time? Read the Bright Idea and discover how the CoachMe Platinum members wrote a book during one weekend. If you want to be a published author, read more…

Happy August!

and the InSPAration Management Team
spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

calendar glance


CoachMe Gold – Financial Freedom
Topic: Getting The Maximum Price For Your Business
Date: August 18th, 2015

Expert Interview
Topic: Enhance Your Guest Experience & Guest Retention With Essential Oils!
Date: August 3rd, 2015 – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business! Volume II
Topic: Effective Spa Internet Marketing Strategies
Date: August 4th, 2015

CoachMe Gold – Make Your Spa Social Media Work For You!
Topic: Video For Social Media
Date: August 25th, 2015

CoachMe Platinum
Conference call on August 6th at 2pm EST

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!


Leap Ahead Seminar – Orlando, FL

Registration is open for August 17th – 19th. Reserve your seat now!

Holidays already? Yes! If you don’t start planning now, you won’t be able to maximize on your true potential and have something to cheer about!

Mapping Out Your Spa Holiday Strategy
You know the saying, “People don’t plan to fail. They fail to plan.” It’s true! That is why I want you to block some time in your calendar to begin planning your spa holiday success!

Take a look at what you did in the past, what was very successful for you, and try to do it even better. Your spa plan should include:

1. Setting Your Performance Goals
Without definite goals and a plan, you will only be wishing that you are successful. Run your reports for the last quarter of the previous year and set new goals! Your goals should be detailed by category…spa service, retail, gift cards, memberships, etc. Get excited and set big goals!

2. Prepare Your Marketing Material
To properly market the holiday season, you will need effective spa marketing materials. Create posters, banners, flyers, postcards, update your spa’s website, prepare your email blast, social media posts, etc. As you see, you have a lot to do. Make sure your marketing materials portray a professional image and contain an effective call to action to entice your consumers to buy what you are offering. It is a lot of material to create, but remember, you don’t have to do all this yourself. We have a design team that will help you! Check out!

3. Identify Which Promotions You Will Offer
Make sure you select and offer great spa holiday promotions. Buy some fun holiday products! Go beyond just offering skin care. (Remember, order in advance.) Create a display of all the promotions and have some gift wrapped and ready to go, just like they do at the department stores. Feature and highlight your promotions both online and in the spa. Make a big deal out of them! If you create excitement for your clients, they will buy!

4. Plan a Spa Holiday Event
This is a must! A spa event gives you the ability to generate thousands in gift card sales. If your events have not generated revenue for you in the past, get your hands on the CD called Success with Event Planning and apply what I teach in it. You will make thousands of dollars on your next event!

5. Prepare and Train the Team
The team plays a key role in your success. Make sure you host team meetings and train your team on what they need to do for everyone to succeed! Set goals for each team member and get them excited about the opportunities they have during the last quarter of the year.

6. Decorate the Spa
This is fun and very important to do. You want to put your clients in the holiday spirit. When people see the decorations and all the festivity within your spa, they will be motivated to purchase! You may also want your receptionist to wear something festive. Make it fun!

7. Measure and Evaluate
Don’t wait until the end of the year to measure. You need to measure each day to determine if you are on target. If you are not meeting your goals, you need to take a timeout and recognize what you need to adjust. Maybe train a little more, motivate the team, give team incentives, or recognize them if they are doing great!

Implement these 7 steps and you will be saying Ho, Ho, Ho, all the way to the bank!

Need help? Call us or email us at

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Ad Heading Idea New Spa Revenue

Attention, Doctors, Nurses, PA’s, and Entrepreneurs!

Write a book in one weekend!
This is exactly what the CoachMe Platinum members did! They are now published authors.

Why should you write a book? Being a published author will do wonders for your career and business. It did for me and for the CoachMe Platinum Members.

I am looking for only 20 professionals to join me on November 9, 10, and 11 to write a book.

The book will have 20 chapters. Each attendee is going to write one chapter, and then we will put the book together. Each author will have his or her cover. The book will focus on providing consumers with education on a wide range of treatments that are available.

You must submit a form expressing your interest and what topic you would like to address. We are only taking 20 people. Apply now for consideration!

Don’t delay! This is going to be sold very fast.

Register Now

What is on your YouTube Channel?

First, do you have a YouTube Channel? If yes, great! If not, get one now!
YouTube marketing is one of the smartest things you can do for your spa, medi spa, etc. Consumers are more likely to find you online over anywhere else. Having a YouTube channel and posting videos on your website will help you with SEO and consumer engagement. Everyone loves to watch videos and if you do short videos, you will be able to gain more exposure and lead more people to purchase your products and spa treatments.

Get your video camera out and start videotaping! What should you tape?

  1. Spa treatments
  2. Spa product features
  3. Success stories
  4. Before and after
  5. Your spa tour
  6. Interviews with your clients
  7. Consumer tips on how to…
  8. Highlight team members
  9. Interview with your product suppliers
  10. Your promotions
  11. Latest trends and more…

Go to and see what I do with videos. You can also subscribe to the InSPAration Management YouTube Channel for ideas.

Enhance Your Guest Experience & Guest Retention With Essential Oils!

Here is what you will learn:
1. Why should you offer essential oils?
2. How to choose the right essential oils.
3. What type of education do you need to use essential oils?
4. Essential oils-the holistic way to wellness.
5. What treatments can you offer with essential oils?
6. How to market your essential oils.
7. Income potential from essential oils.
8. Tapping into opportunities with essential oils.

Dori will be interviewing expert Jimm Harrison, author of Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics, and published numerous articles on essential oils and holistic beauty. He developed the Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Certificate Program for Bastyr University’s CCCE and teaches across the U.S. and internationally. Jimm is an essential oil, natural skin care products, and fragrance branding consultant and developer for clinics, retail, and spas.

Click Here To Learn More & To Reserve Your Spot!

Join by August 3rd & gain access to the previous interviews as a bonus!

Join Now SALE:  $29      REGULAR: 99 crossed out New Spa Revenue

Secrets to Successful Event Planning

Learn how to plan moneymaking events!

Implement the Secrets and generate an average of $100+ per person…

Don’t take our word for it………
“This was my first event, I was nerves, but Dori’s secrets really work. I was so happy with the results, we made $8,900 in 3 hours!”

What You’ll Gain:

  • Write an invitation and maximize the number of attendees
  • Plan and prepare for the event
  • Assign team responsibilities and goals
  • Implement marketing secrets that get your guests to spend money
  • Set up bartering arrangements
  • Involve brand participations
  • Make sales & hit your targets

Purchase Now and Save Big!

Buy Now SALE:  $49      REGULAR: 99 crossed out New Spa Revenue

Do you need help with your marketing? Check out Done For Me Spa Marketing! Imagine someone else doing your marketing for you!

Monthly, you will receive:

  • Newsletter
  • Email blast
  • Social media
  • Website updates


Bonus: 1 CoachMe Gold Membership (A value of $149/month – Annual $1,788!)

Save $100 Now!

Make Your Website Responsive! $500 Off!!

Check out some samples on We have helped many people. We can help you, too. Take the Website Assessment now!

Receive $500 Off!

Learn More!


InSPAration Management is happy to announce that the Florida Spa Association is launching a career opportunity web page on We encourage all Florida residents to join FSA and gain access to this phenomenal tool to help you post a resume or look for talented individuals.

Click here Visit now and explore the site!

Happy August!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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