Great Spring Ideas

The temperature is rising, extra sun offers more time to play and naturally folks will begin to spend a little bit more time taking care of themselves as they peel back their winter layers.  Don’t miss the opportunity to make spring an event for your spa’s guests by incorporating these easy strategies into your treatment center.

Spring Sippers

Welcome spring by adding a few spring juice blends to your beverage station.  In addition to tea and water try offering refreshing spring drinks like pink lemonade with a splash of cranberry juice or cold teas with dashes of mint and cucumber.

Cherry Blossom Foot Scrub

Spring is prime time for cherry blossoms. The big Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. reminds everyone around that spring is in the air.  Incorporate this theme of spring into special limited time manicure and pedicure offers.

Spring Renewals

Some of your guests will be looking for a little head to toe spring pampering so be sure to have a special spring renewal package that includes manicure/pedicure, massage, and facial or body care services ready for these eager guests.

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