Copywriting That Sells! Part 2

This is the second post of our series on Copywriting That Sells! In the last post, we discussed the effectiveness of spa advertisements and the importance of good copywriting in your campaigns. We also went over the first three key steps to use when copywriting to make it professional and relatable to your clients. Now, onto more! Here are the next three steps to keep in mind when copywriting:



4. Proof
Prove that the product or service does what you say it can do. Tell the reader the expected results, share testimonials and statistics.
(Reduce your stress by —%. Here is what some people are saying about ….) Use pictures. It has been said that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’ Spa imagery is essential when creating any visual advertising. Do not fill every void of space in your advertisement; you want some “white space.” It allows the reader’s eyes to rest as they move across the ad and connect with the importance of the written message, so keep the ad fresh and airy, not busy.

5. The Offer
With no offer, the ad does nothing; you’re dead in the water. Give them good value.

6. Call to Action
This is one step many people miss. Now that your prospects have read the ad, what should they do? You must tell the reader what action they need to take. Compel them to pick up the phone and call for a reservation.


Next week, we’ll be posting the last part of our series on effective copywriting! Tune in for the last three essential tips so you’ll be armed with the right tools for effective and persuasive copywriting.


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Do you have questions or comments on these three tips for effective copywriting or about InSPAration Management in general? Just say so! Please leave your questions or comments below so we can address them quickly!

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