Copywriting That Sells! Part 1

How effective are your ads? Sad but true, many spas don’t know the answer to this question. Spas rarely track how guests hear about them. You can’t improve what you don’t measure. It’s time to start tracking your ad campaign’s effectiveness.

Writing is truly an art form and crafting effective ad copy takes time. You need to put yourself in the client’s shoes and ask yourself some questions. What are they looking for? What are their health, beauty, or wellness concerns? What is their benefit from using your products or services?

Make your phone ring and increase the return on your marketing investment by using these 9 Key Steps in your ads or e-mail blasts. Join us in our 3-part series on how to create copywriting that sells through creativity and professionalism.

CoachMe Gold members were able to gather some insight on this topic during the CoachMe Gold coaching call for Reinvent Your Business,Module 7 yesterday, so everyone else take advantage of this sneak peek or investigate the CoachMe Gold membership!

1. The “Hook” or the Headline
This is a very important element. It has to be big, bold and give them a reason to read on. A question usually makes a good headline. It should focus on a specific problem, for example: Are You Feeling Stressed?

2. Sub Headline
The subhead should focus on the solution. Like the headline, it needs to give the reader a reason to read on and support the headline or the hook. For example: (Discover 3 De-stress Secrets, or Experience the Ultimate De-stress Program at XYZ spa!)

3. The Benefit 
What will they gain? How will they feel? What will they experience? Outline the de-stress program focusing on the benefits. Do NOT use the word “OUR!” It’s all about them, not you.

Tune in next week to read Part 2 of our series on effective copywriting!


Speaking of copywriting, are you having issues crafting the right content for your spa’s menu? Check out InSPAration Management’s Menu Development Dos and Don’ts to learn how to develop a marketable menu that will attract more guests and bring in more revenue!


Have any questions about our first three tips on effective copywriting or about InSPAration Management in general? Please leave a comment or question in the box below so we can get back to you as soon as possible!

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