Becoming An Author Will Change Your Life

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Dori Soukup

Hello July,

It’s official, half the year is over!

This newsletter is going out to you while I am in Melbourne, Australia! We are getting Charlie all settled for his semester at University of Melbourne! It’s always fun and exciting to experience other countries and cultures. This is my second trip to Australia. I have to say, the Australians are extremely hospitable and so kind. Let’s make July the official month to be kind to everyone!


Important Dates

July 5th-8thThe Aesthetic Show

July 10thGuest Relations Webinar

July 11thSoaring Ahead Module 7

Topic: Sales, Sales, & More Sales

July 14th-15thAmSPA Dallas

July 17thCoachMe Platinum

July 23rd-25th Leap Ahead Leadership Seminar

July 28th-29th Write a Book Seminar

July 31st CoachMe Expert

Carmen Brodie - The Finery

Topic: How to Succeed with Tattoo Removal

Inside the Issue

Read the Featured Articleand discover how Becoming An Author will change your life and elevate your success. Most people think this is an impossible task, but Read more

The Bright Ideais all about having a reoccurring revenue model. Create a membership program so you can make money while you are sleeping! How? Read more

In Dori Recommends, I encourage you to watch The 4S’s Videoand discover how colleagues of yours reached a higher level of success by implementing the 4S’s. Success is within your reach! All you have to do is Read more

We have two big seminars happening this month: The Leap Aheadand the Write Your Book in One Weekend. We invite you to join us and benefit from both!

Bright IdeaImplement a Reoccurring Revenue Model For Your Medi Spa and/or Spa

Ten Steps Product

If you want to reduce your stress, financial pressure and marketing cost, you owe it to yourself and your family to implement a reoccurring revenue model within your business. 

Memberships and Loyalty Programs have been in existence for years by companies such as Sam’s, Costco, AAA, country clubs, and airlines. They have utilized them over and over successfully.

In 2009, Massage Envy opened their first location offering massage memberships and now they have over 1,100 locations. The cause of their success is the membership model.

You may be saying yes, but I am not Massage Envy. Okay, you are not; but the model can be adjusted to fit your business. We offer memberships and 75% of InSPAration Management’s revenue is reoccurring income from CoachMe Platinumand Done for Me Marketing!Any business can have a membership model.

Many InSPAration Management clients have Medi Spa and Spa Memberships by following the model we teach and are experiencing great success. You must have a membership program. To help you, we just updated the Ten Steps to Launching a Successful Membership and Loyalty Program. You need to get your hands on it. It’s a very small investment to make money while you are sleeping! Go ahead, Elevate Your Success!

Are You Making Money While You Sleep?

Bright Idea

Training For Your Guest Relations Team

Are you ready to transform your Guest Relations Department?

CoachMe Expert

Join us and arm them with systems to go from order takers to revenue generators.

Attend the new webinar on July 10th at 2pm ESTfor an amazing webinar to help you improve your Guest Relations.

Here is some of what you will learn:

  1. Guest Relations Department Mission & Position Description
  2. Fundamentals for Success
  3. 3 Steps to Deliver a Great Guest Experience and Generate Revenue

Register now and save your spot.

This will be the best $77 you will ever spend.If you can’t make it at this time, register anyway and we will give you a link to download it and watch it at your convenience.

Featured Article 

Becoming an Author Will Change Your Life

20 Strategies Book

How did becoming an author change my business, my life? It put my business on steroids. I was able to get into the Millionaires Circle. Now, I am on a mission to help Medi Spa and Spa owners become published authors. So you too, can achieve a whole new level of success and get into the Millionaires Circle.

Doctors, entrepreneurs, professionals, leaders have attended the “Write Your Book In One Weekend” Seminar. Now, they are using their book to market their business.

As a published author, you will be able to:

• Gain interviews with the media

• Improve your positioning

• Become an influencer

• Increase your prices

• Showcase your expertise

• Get invited to speak

• Crush the competition

• Make more money!

If you are ready to make your business soar and earn the money you deserve, watchthe How to Become an Influencer Webinar. Then, join us for the next book writing seminar in July. Don’t delay having the word AUTHOR next to your name. It will be one of the best investments you ever make!

You can be like Dr. Street, etc. 

Published Books

Once you get your book published, I will show you how to market yourself and your business using the book. You will get instructions on how to

  • Do a book tour
  • Generate more leads
  • Multi-purpose the book
  • Gain maximum exposure and much more

You can drag your feet, procrastinate and come up with every excuse as to why you should not join us or you can click here, take action now and become a published author.

Become an Influencer Webinar

Click hereto learn more about Write Your Book in One Weekend

Dori Recommends

Grow Your Business With The 4 S's

You’re invited to watch and discover the 4S’s. On the video, Dori shared some success stories from clients just like you who had the same challenges as you. Learn how they overcame them using Structure, System, Strategies and how they now have a Sustainable business.

You went into business to have more freedom, less stress, and make more money. Do you have all that now? Let us help you by giving you a BLUEPRINT for success.

4 s's Video
Dori Recommends

We invite you to attend the next Leap Ahead Seminar. Click herefor a special offer!


Soaring Ahead - Module 7

July 11th - Sales, Sales & More Sales!

The number one challenge Medi Spas and Spas experience is lack of sales. Sales is often a dirty, little word. No one wants to sell anything. If you want to increase your bottom line, everyone on the team needs to be focused on revenue generation. In this module, you will learn how to change the team’s mindset and teach them a system to help them recommend, and not sell. Once you apply the system, your guest satisfaction and sales will soar!

Regular price $149

Sale $99

Leap Ahead Seminar

Tracie Ullman Testimonial

Don't take our word for it! Listento Tracie Ullmanas she shares with you the impact of making the wise decision to attend the Leap Ahead that helped her gain strategies and grow her business.

Become Published Seminar

Dr Okoro Testimonial

On the fence about how to set yourself apart from the competition? Listento Dr. Okoro,as in the snap of a finger discovered the answer! He highly recommends anyone who wants to write a book, attend the next Write Your Book In One Weekend Seminar!

Ten Steps to Develop & Launch Your Own Membership Program

Team Training

Offering a membership program at your spa is a great way to increase retention and produce a guaranteed monthly income. Discover these Ten Steps to Develop & Launch your own membership program.

Regular price $99

Sale $49

Upcoming CoachMe Expert

CoachMe Expert

How to Succeed with Tattoo Removal

Join Dori and Carmen Brodie, the new expert from "The Finery", as they share all the secrets and tips about Tattoo Removal so your Medi Spa can make profits. It's time to erase, renew, reclaim and protect your investment.


  1. Is it a good investment for your facility

  2. What type of laser you should choose

  3. What training is required

  4. Income potential

  5. Marketing your treatments

  6. How to pay your team

  7. Mistakes to avoid

Maegan Kennedy

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The Ins and Outs of Microblading

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