7 Steps to Assess Your Spa or Medi Spa Business

Dori SoukupInSPAration Moments

A Note from Dori

Here we are saying goodbye to 2017 and hello to 2018. I am sure you are busy getting ready for an amazing December, so I am keeping this short and sweet.

Read the Featured Article and discover 7 steps to assess your business. Did you grow as much as you wanted? Let’s find out. Read more→

In the Bright Idea, I encourage you to listen to the brand-new podcast I did for you: 4 Success Principles To Grow Your Business. Read more→

Read the Dori Recommends and register to view the CoachMe expert interview so you can discover how to market your business using videos. Read more→

Featured Article

Featured Article
According to the Department of Commerce, over 1 million businesses open up every year but only 40,000 of them stay open past the first 5 years. That’s a very small survival rate. Where does your business stand? Read more→

Bright Idea

Bright Ideas!

Want to ensure your success for next year? Listen to 4 Success Principles To Grow Your Business.

For the past two years, we’ve provided you with monthly CoachMe modules to help you with Genius Sales and Marketing strategies. Read more→

Dori Recommends

Dori Recommends

Learn how to use videos to market your business! Watch the CoachMe expert interview I did for you with Craig Philip and discover great tips to market your business using videos. Read more→

Events Calendar at a Glance


December 5th / 4:00 pm Eastern
CMG Genius Revenue Strategies
Topic: E-Commerce & Revenue Trends

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January 10th / 3:00 pm Eastern
Soaring Ahead – A New Series
Topic: Secrets To A Healthier Business

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February 26th-28th
Leap Ahead Leadership Seminar
Daytona Beach, Florida

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Featured Article

It's Your Time To Leap

7 Steps To Assess Your Business

According to the Department of Commerce, over 1 million businesses open up every year but only 40,000 of them stay open past the first 5 years. That’s a very small survival rate. Where does your business stand? This year is almost over. Did your business grow at the rate you wished it you would?

As a business development firm, we come across many medi spa and day spa businesses that are in survival mode. InSPAration Management’s mission is to help businesses like yours have great financial health. We have learned what separates successful businesses from failing ones. To be successful, a solid business model is required and a good business structure should include strategic planning, marketing and financial plans, operational systems and support.

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you are so busy juggling many hats that assessing your business takes a backseat. I made it simple for you. Apply the following 7 assessment steps, and notice what you are doing great and what needs improvement.

1.Medical Spa And Spa Business Assessment

The first step is to conduct a S.W.O.T. analysis.

It’s an objective assessment of your current situation. Take the time to identify where you are now.

Strengths: What are you doing well? And do more of the same!

Weaknesses: What needs improvement? Make a list of all the challenges keeping you from achieving greater success.

Opportunities: What new opportunities can lead into new revenue streams?

Threats: What is holding you back?

This S.W.O.T. exercise will help you focus on your strengths and explore new opportunities.

Implement a plan to improve your challenges and build on your strengths.

2.Do You Have A Marketing Plan?

Marketing is one of the most important business functions to any business. Without a medi spa and spa marketing plan, your space capacity is minimized and leads to low revenue generation. Your marketing goal should focus on generating new leads/prospects. Marketing should compel your new leads to visit your spa, to purchase and repurchase your products and services.

Assess your capacity, number of new clients, new client cost and retention rate. We invite you to take a marketing assessment and see how effective your marketing is.

Many spa leaders are under the impression that marketing is expensive; therefore, they don’t market. Running your business without a marketing plan is like trying to drive a car without fuel. There are many effective, economical marketing strategies you can implement that will increase your spa and medi spa traffic. Examples include e-marketing campaigns, promotions, in-spa marketing, special events and business-to-business.

Need a marketing plan? Check out the Marketing for Success Plan we have.

Or check out the www.DoneForMeSpaMarketing.com programs we offer.

3.What Is Your Revenue Per Guest?

Focus on increasing your volume/revenue per guest.

The easiest way to increase your spa and medical spa sales is by focusing on the volume per guest. Calculate your current volume per guest for both spa treatments and retail sales, setting new goals for both. Teach your spa team how to maximize the number of treatments or upgrade opportunities. This will increase volume per guest. You can increase your volume by setting up consultations and customizing programs for your clients. Check out the Success with Guest Consultation audio.

4.Assess Your Team’s Compensation. Is it Performance-Based?

Make sure your team is set up with a performance-based compensation model. They should be able to earn their true worth. If they are great, they will earn more. If not, they will earn less. Remember to evaluate your team’s performance. Identify areas for improvement and implement training sessions to improve performance. The biggest mistake we see that medical or spa directors do is not setting targets and goals with their team. Targets should include: number of new guests, repeat guests, retention rate, retail sales, service volume, etc. Targets must be set in the beginning of each month and evaluated at the end of each month. As a spa or medi spa leader, continual monthly measurement of your spa’s performance ensures growth and success.

5.Do You Have A Process To Generate New Leads And Turning Them Into Clients?

When you are in business, you need to continually generate new leads for your Sales Funnel to ensure your pipeline is always full.

Do you track how many new leads you generate per month? Do you have a target or a goal as to how many leads you can turn into clients? How many new clients do you retain?

Need help building your list? Check out the Build Your List CD and grow your business.

6.Do You Introduce New Revenue Streams?

Assess your menu and discover which treatments are selling and which are not. Introduce some new treatments and revenue streams to revive your medi spa and spa menu and excite your database. There are many ways to introduce new treatments by partnering with other professionals. You can have someone come certain days of the week to do medical treatments, acupuncture or nutrition. The list is endless. This strategy creates new program offerings and taps into new revenue streams.

7.Do You Have A Coach Or Are You Reinventing The Wheel?

Many business owners think they can do it all themselves. Maybe, but how good are the results? I don’t know about you, I like to work smart. I invest just under $50K per year on my education. I don’t like to reinvent the wheel. I like learning new and innovative strategies so I can stay ahead of my competition and keep sharing with you success strategies to help you grow your business! If you are tired of working on your own and need help, I invite you to check the CoachMe memberships we offer so you can elevate your success!

Take the time to assess your business and let us know how we can help!

Bright Idea

Bright Idea

Want to ensure your success for next year?

Listen to 4 Success Principles To Grow Your Business & Attend Free Podcast

Soaring Ahead Cds

During this podcast, I will give you 4 Strategies that you will be able to implement immediately to help you Soar Ahead!

Download Now & Listen!

CoachMe Expert Banner

For the past two years, we’ve provided you with monthly CoachMe modules to help you with Genius Sales and Marketing Strategies.

This is a very popular program, so we decided to continue and launch a new series for 2018.


  • Spa Budget CD – Value $695
  • Business Plan template – Value $250

Total Bonus Value – $945!

Regular Price $149

Sales Price $89

Register now and payment will not start until January 1st.

Learn More!

Dori Recommends

CoachMe Expert Banner

Learn how to use videos to market your business!

Watch the CoachMe expert interview I did for you with Craig Philip and discover great tips to market your business using videos.

Elevating Your Success BookCraig Philip is an industry leading professional dedicated to helping businesses maximize their online presence and business results through Video. With over 30 years of professional production experience including leadership positions with Disney and Warner Brothers, Craig delivers a unique blend of business acumen and production skill to every project.

360 Business Videos is exclusively focused on the Medi Spa, Spa, Health and Wellness industry.

You don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from one the industry’s best!

Maximize Online Presence & Business Results Through Video

Watch the CoachMe Expert Interview now!

Not a member? Join Now For Free!

Learn More!


Leap Ahead

Leap Ahead, Spa & Medi Spa Seminar

Join us February 26th-28th and make your business soar!

Listen to this audio and gain great strategies to help you Elevate Your Success.

Learn more and reserve your seat today.

Use code “Leap” and receive $500 off!

Learn More!

CoachMe Expert Banner

Secrets To Successful Event Planning Webinar

Make thousands of dollars on your next event by following the secrets in this audio.

Essential Steps to Launch Membership and Loyalty Programs

Looking for ways to make money while your sleeping? Follow the steps on this audio and implement an effective membership & loyalty program.

Don’t Sell, Recommend & the P.R.I.D.E. System

Increase your retail sales and upgrade opportunities by implementing the Don’t Sell, “Recommend”! philosophy and the P.R.I.D.E. system!

Get All 3 Now For $150!

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