5 Secrets To Crush The Competition

5 Secrets to CRUSH the Competition.

Dori Soukup

A Note from Dori
Happy June!

Here we are half way through the year. It’s a good time to do your
mid-year assessment. How much growth are you experiencing so far
this year? If you are not growing at the rate you were aiming for,
maybe it’s time to improve your marketing and increase your traffic.
I am dedicating this issue to improving your marketing and sales!

Read the Featured Article to discover 5 Differentiation Secrets to
CRUSH the Competition.

Dori Soukup

Bright Ideas!

You’re Invited to attend a Complimentary Webinar to discover tips on
how to practice Authority Marketing and CRUSH Your Competition! Mark
your calendar and join us on June 6th at 2 pm Eastern.
Read More →

Authority Marketing

Dori Recommends

Aren’t you fed up with how much money you are losing from the lack
of retail sales?

If you are looking for ways to increase upgrade opportunities and
retail sales, you need the New Don’t Sell, Recommend! Audio and
P.R.I.D.E. System manual! This is a must for your spa business
success library!
Read More →

Authority Marketing

What’s New

Write Your Book in One Weekend seminar coming up in July!
Read More →

Happy Father’s Day to all dads!

~ Dori & Team

Events Calendar at a Glance


June 6th, 2017 / 4:00 pm Eastern
NEW – CMG Genius Revenue Strategies
Topic: Improved Revenue Through Behavior

More →


June 27th, 2017 / 3:00 pm Eastern
CoachMe Expert: John Hoime,
CME- Implementing a Profitable Wellness

Now →


14th, 16th / 9:00 am Eastern
Leap Ahead Leadership Seminar
The InSPAration Management LEAP Ahead
Leadership Seminar is a 3-day event where you will
receive a PROVEN Spa / Medi Spa blueprint on how to
elevate your success.

More →


June 24-26
Tradeshows: IECSC – Esthetic Show

More →


July 15th-16th / 9:00 am Eastern
Write Your Book in One Weekend Seminar
Authority Marketing is, the strategic
process of systematically positioning you and/or your
organization as the leader, the expert, the celebrity
and the “Go-To” Spa and or Medi Spa in your community.

More →

Featured Article

7 Spa Coaching Strategies That Will Lead You To The Top

5 Differentiation Secrets to CRUSH the Competition

In today’s competitive world, you can find a Spa, Medi Spa or Wellness
Center on every corner. This makes competing for business very
challenging. Many business owners decide to play the price wargame. This
practice leads to slim profits or none at all.

To compete or crush your competition, you have to differentiate yourself
from them.
Differentiation is the key to gaining a competitive advantage.

Here are the facts: Consumers are more likely to find your business on a
handheld device or online before anywhere else. They go searching on
Google to find what they’re looking for and they make their decision
based on what they see on websites. Here lies the problem. Most spa
websites are nothing but an online brochure. They simply provide
information and most look exactly the same. They lack engagement, opt in
opportunities, valuable and relevant information, a call to action and
the list goes on…

In this article, you will find 5 Secrets to Differentiate Yourself, so
consumers can find you and choose you over everyone else.

5 Differentiation Secrets to CRUSH Your Competition:

Secret 1. Write articles, blogs and publish a BOOK
Secret 2. Provide valuable consumer tips with VIDEOS
Secret 3. SPEAK, do podcasts and webinars
Secret 4. Host educational EVENTS
Secret 5. Publish Case Studies, Success Stories and

This Is called Authority Marketing! It is the best way and most
economical way to market your Spa, Medi Spa, and Wellness business.

What is Authority Marketing?

  • The technical definition of Authority Marketing is: the
    process of systematically positioning you and/or your spa or
    medi spa as
    the leader and expert in your community for what you do.
  • It’s the art of positioning yourself and/or your business as the
    authority, as the celebrity, as the credible expert to make you
    and your
    business the ‘go-to’ spa or medi spa.

Get Published

Secret #1. Write articles, blogs and publish a

Writing about what you do and how you transform people’s lives is a big
differentiation factor. What do you think of someone who has written a
book? When I ask this question at seminars, I usually receive answers
such as: the person is an expert, they know what they’re talking about,
they are professional, successful and the list goes on. When I wrote my
first book, my business went on steroids! Writing your book will give
you the same results. Here are some of the reasons why you should write
a book.

2. Sets you apart from everyone else
3. Become an authority, crush the competition
4. Use your book with the media to gain exposure
5. Raise your prices – charge more
6. Utilize it as a great marketing tool
7. Generate leads from your website – gain opt-ins
8. Gain free publicity with interviews
9. Make more money
10. Work less

You might saying, “Yes Dori, I would love to write a book, but that’s a
big undertaking.” My answer to that is, yes you are right, but we have a
system to help you write your book in one weekend. We have helped many
professionals just like you become published authors. We can help you
become a published author too!

Dr. Street

Watch what Dr. Street had to say about
the “Write Your Book In One Weekend” seminar experience.

Authority Marketing Published Authors

Learn more about this amazing
experience and join us for the next seminar!

Secret # 2. Provide valuable consumer tips with
Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to show
differentiation on your website. When consumers visit your website and
see your videos with tips on how to address concerns, they will view you
as an expert. You should have a YouTube channel filled with videos on
how you help members of the community and how you transform people’s
lives. There are many different types of videos you can publish. Tour of
your facility, consumer tips, case studies, success stories,
testimonials, what’s new, and more.

Need help creating new videos? Reach out to www.360BusinessVideos.com
view samples.

Secret #3. SPEAK, do Podcasts and
Speaking is another great way to practice Authority Marketing. You can
start small, by doing Lunch and Learns, move on to spa events, then
public speaking. The more you speak, the more of a celebrity you become.
People will recognize you as the go-to-person for your expertise and for
what you do. Your name will become familiar and more people will be
talking about you and what you do. After all, word of mouth is still the
best form of marketing.

Secret # 4 Host Educational EVENTS.
There are always new treatments, technologies, and solutions to concerns
people have. The best way to promote your new spa treatments and or spa
products is by hosting educational events. Consumers will view you as a
forward thinker, an expert, a person who is always seeking new solutions
and treatments. When you educate members of your community, they will
purchase from you. Remember to always make an offer at the end of your
educational events to generate revenue.

Authority Marketing Published Authors

Secret #5. Publish Case Studies, Success Stories and

You can tell someone until you are blue in the face how you can help
them, but they won’t listen. But if you have success stories and video
testimonials from your clients on how you have helped them transform
their lives – that is Social Proof. Social Proof is the most powerful
way to position you as an expert and help you practice Authority
Marketing! When consumers visit your site and see what clients are
saying about you and how you helped them, they too will reach out to
you. Get your video camera out and start documenting success stories and

Implement these 5 secrets and you will be practicing Authority
Marketing. You will totally differentiate yourself and crush your
competition! When people visit your website, they will see: your book,
your blog, your videos, your educational programs, your testimonials,
your success stories and they will choose you over the competition! It’s
no longer about price, it’s about your expertise!

Learn more and register for the
Complimentary Webinar!

Bright Idea

Insert alt text here

Attend a life changing webinar!

5 Differentiation Secrets to CRUSH the Competition!

You’re invited to attend a Complimentary Webinar to discover 5
Differentiation Secrets to CRUSH the Competition!

Mark your calendar and join us
June 6th at 2 pm Eastern

This is ideal if you are:

  • Tired of playing price war games
  • Not making enough money
  • Not busy enough
  • Spending a lot of money on non-effective marketing strategies
  • Working too hard

Register now and join

Dori Recommends

Insert alt text here

Aren’t You Tired of Flat Retail Numbers?

I was doing a private coaching session last week and as I was
assessing her numbers, I discovered that she was generating over
$70k per month in service revenue and her retail numbers were only
$6,000. This is so sad. Are you in the same boat with her? Many spa
owners are. Why do you accept this kind of performance and results?

Stop the madness! You need to wake up and put structure and systems
in place to increase your retail sales. You are totally missing out
on major profit opportunities.

What should her retail numbers be? At least 40% of service revenue.
Do you see how much money she is missing out on? She should be
making $28K in retail, not $6K. She should be making $14K more
profit per month. That is $168K more in profit per year! How much
sooner will she be able to retire if she increased her profits by
that amount?
Wow, that’s a huge missed opportunity! It does not have to be that

I have an entire system to help you improve your upgrade
opportunities and your spa retail sales. All you have to do is
follow the formula.

Invest in your business and in your team. Get your hands on The New
Don’t Sell, Recommend! and P.R.I.D.E. System and retire sooner!!

The New Don’t Sell, Recommend! Audio and P.R.I.D.E. System Manual!
If you are looking for ways to increase upgrade opportunities and
retail sales, you need to have this new version in your spa business
success library!

proven-effective educational program is guaranteed to elevate retail
and treatment sales, while increasing your income. It teaches spa
professionals how to: • Recommend Home Care and Treatments
PRIDE, • Deliver a Complete Guest Experience Leading to
Retention Rate, • Raise Volume per Guest, and • Earn
More Money!

Pride Manual

Purchase the Manual and Audio

Regular Price: $329

Sale Price: $200

Purchase both and

Complimentary Podcast

Insert alt text here

Register for the next interview with John Hoime, founder of Alternative
Health, and discover how to implement profitable wellness programs. A Complimentary Membership

Listen to the most recent interview with Melinda Beville, founder of
Ilabelit and launch your own private label products.

Register Now!

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131 Executive Circle, Daytona Beach 32114, FL


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