April 2015-10 Essential Spa Business Spring Cleaning Actions

A note from Dori

Spring is in full swing! Now that the first quarter of the year is behind us, you should take some time to assess how you did and do some spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your closet or your house. It’s also for your business! Read the Featured Article and discover the 10 Essential Spa Spring Cleaning Actions you need to take to be ready for Second Quarter success!

Want to improve your Social Media Efforts? Read more about it in Dori Recommends to discover how these three strategies will help you.

Many people go into business and work for years without planning an exit strategy. Is that you? Do you have an exit strategy for your spa? To assess if you do, read the Bright Idea and discover more about Spa Business Liberation!

We are attending two events this month. Stop by and say “Hi!” if you’re at either one:

  1. American Med-Spa Association Workshop in Miami, FL, on April 13th
  2. Esthetique Spa International Tradeshow in Toronto, Canada, on April 26th and 27th

Happy April!

and the InSPAration Management Team
spa_business_secret_book_sidebar P.S. A Gift for YOU!
Go to InSPArationManagement.com and order your copy of my new book,
Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, for only the price of shipping and handling!

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CoachMe Gold – Reinvent Your Business! Volume II
Topic: Increasing Sales Part II – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Make Your Spa Social Media Work For You!
Topic: How To Quickly And Easily Create Landing Pages – Join Us!

CoachMe Gold – Spa Management Essentials III
Topic: Gaining Reviews – Join Us!

CoachMe Platinum
Conference call on April 2nd at 2pm EST

Not a CoachMe member yet? You owe it to yourself to check it out so you can experience business growth!


Leap Ahead Seminar – Orlando, FL

Registration is now open for August 17th – 19th

What do you think of when you hear the words “spring cleaning”? For me it means getting rid of the old and freshening up with something new. Get your business ready to spring into happiness and revenue for the second quarter!

1. Words you and your team use. Maybe it’s time to evaluate the words and the language you use.

Some of my favorites:
a. “Guests” not “Clients”
b. “Reserve your experience” not “Book your appointment”
c. We offer “treatment” not “service,” etc.

What language are you using in your spa? Listen closely and then clean it up!

Want scripts? Check out the spa manuals!

2. Dust off your values. Have you checked your values lately? Some companies have them, but their employees have no clue what these are. Evaluate your values, talk about them, and live them!

3. Refresh your colors. Spring is all about “fresh” and “new.” It’s amazing what a gallon of paint can do to a spa. Pick a wall in your spa and paint it!

4. Clean up your database. Send out an email to your list to update their info and keep your database current.

5. Evaluate product and treatment sales performance. Do you have treatments and products that are collecting dust? Run some reports to see what’s not selling and get rid of them.

6. Redo your menu. It’s always good to introduce new treatments and update your menu. Try a new treatment, refresh your menu design, and/or revitalize your image. This will position your spa as an innovative place that’s always up-to-date with the best treatments and products.

7. Clean up your website. Is your spa website updated on a regular basis? Or do you still have Valentine’s Day promotions on there? Your prospects are finding you online first, so your online presence is important to your success. Take a website assessment today!

8. Cut non-performers. Your team can make or break you. Do you have team members who are not recommending retail products or suggesting upgrade treatments? If yes, they’re costing you a lot of money, so maybe it’s to time to clean house.

9. Clean up your treatment rooms. Deep clean your treatment rooms. Scrub and dust under the beds, the ceiling, the cabinets, and your products. Everything! I’m amazed what I find sometimes when I go in to secret shop a location. Make sure you make your spa white-glove clean.

10. Have a team boot camp. Spring into new goals for the Second Quarter. Schedule some training sessions, set some new goals, and go for it to make this quarter your best yet!

Need help with your spring cleaning? We are ready to help! Contact us today!

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Does Your Spa Business Have an Exit Strategy?

This will be a preview module for the new upcoming CoachMe Gold Series!

What You Will Learn:
  • How do I find out how much my business is worth today?
  • Selling a business is really complicated. Where do I start?
  • When is the right time to sell my business?
  • What preparations do I need to make to get my business ready to be sold?
  • Who will I sell my spa business to?
  • Where do I turn to get someone to help me sell my business?
  • How do I come up with a great exit strategy?

Register for this great teleseminar!

Sign Up!

To learn more about the upcoming CoachMe Gold Series Financial Freedom, click here!

Top 3 Social Media Strategies to Engage and Gain New Clients

Everyone—and their dog—is on social media these days. And if you’ve been running your spa or salon for a few years now, you know that you have to be on social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram… you cannot afford to not be on them, and then some, for the simple reason that your target market is on them.

But are you making any headway in your social media efforts? Do your fans like, comment, or share your status updates? Are they asking you questions, calling your spa, or buying your products and treatments? As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and if your tweets, pins, updates, and posts aren’t engaging your audience, you’re not connecting with them. At all! Which means you’re not earning what you deserve.

Here are three ways you can connect with potential clients at the most primal level—their hearts and minds:

1. Stop selling and be more social instead. Social media is not a sales center. It’s a social platform. Yet many spas keep sending one buying message after another. If you’re doing that, stop it now. Your content should be three-quarter social, one-quarter (or less) promotions.

2. Post entertaining things that will cause them to comment and share. Connect with them on an emotional level. When you connect emotionally, they will always end up commenting, liking, or sharing something. Make sure that you’re making positive connections and establishing great relationships.

3. Informative videos. I’ve always loved the video on the many different ways you can use a scarf. In the spa business, it’s your duty to inform your fans of these kinds of useful content. What you can share may include
how-to videos such as how to take care of their skin, how to de-stress, how to be healthier… You get the drift.

Want to know more strategies and tactics?

These are just a few of the many effective strategies you’ll learn from the new…

Learn More!

What’s New?

Ready for a hosting company that’s dedicated to spa business websites?
Introducing InSPAration Management’s new baby:

Sign up for Spa Web Hosting before April 31st, 2015 and receive the following bonuses:

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Building your spa list is one of the most important functions of your business! Gain insight and knowledge with this
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We’ve helped many spa and salon businesses make a great first impression when curious would-be clients find them online.

Check out the portfolio of spa websites we’ve done!

We’re so good at this, we’re throwing in a complimentary one-hour marketing success audio module along with your new spa website order.

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Calm Essential Oil Blend from 21 Drops is a great way to easily enhance your spa treatments with aromatherapy! This blend fuses the proven powers of Jasmine, Sweet Orange and Vetiver essential oils to help your clients unwind and relax. Simply roll it onto your clients’ pulse points to ease their minds and promote serenity during a treatment. Calm is just one of the 21 natural solutions from 21 Drops. For free shipping and samples on your first wholesale order, mention “inSPAration” when contacting your rep.

Company Name: 21 Drops Essential Oil Therapy
Website: www.21drops.com
Email: Chelsea@21drops.com
Telephone: (877) 673-7677
Address: 290 SE 6th Ave., Delray Beach, FL 33483

Happy April!

Founder and CEO – Dori Soukup

InSPAration Management is a business firm dedicated to assisting spa professionals with growing and enhancing their business. We help spa owners and leaders maximize their spa’s potential through consulting, advanced business education, and coaching.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, we can help. Read more.

Education: InSPAration Management offers advanced spa business education via seminars and webinars to spa professionals. We can positively impact your career and your business. Read more about the Spa Leadership Seminar.

BizTools: Select from budgets, compensation plans, position descriptions, marketing, and more! Discover BizTools

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business and find success through InSPAration!


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