Your Spa Experience


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your Guests' Spa Experience
your Guests’ Spa Experience

4-easy steps to evaluating your guests’ spa experience


Did You Know…

·For one unsatisfied guest who complains, 26 other unhappy guests say nothing and 24 won’t come back.

·The average guest who experience a problem with your business will tell 9 to 10 people about it.

·When complaints are addressed quickly, 70% to 95% will do business with the company again. Source the Dept. of Commerce

Your retention rate is a direct reflection in the quality of the experience you are delivering… Have you calculated your spas’ retention rate lately? How high is it?

Several InSPAration Management clients are asking “How do we create a guest feedback form”?

Keep reading and you will DISCOVER 4-steps on how to measure your spas’ guest experience. Capture your guest’s feedback in order to improve your guest experience and retention rate!

Step 1: Create your Guest Feedback Form

Guest feedback form

I experienced

¨ Facial

¨ Massage

¨ Body treatments

¨ Salon treatment – hair, nails, waxing

¨ Other ___________

Reservation Rating

1. Reserving my spa experience with the spa concierge was hassle free, informative and conducted efficiently and professionally

DisagreeSomewhat Agree Agree Strongly agree

Support Team

2.The spa’s support team was professional, courteous and attended to all my needs.

DisagreeSomewhat Agree Agree Strongly agree

Spa Therapists

3. My therapist was highly skilled and my treatments were performed with attention to detail, exceeding my expectations.

DisagreeSomewhat Agree Agree Strongly agree

The Spa

4. The Spa ambiance, decor, music and cleanliness made the spa a warm, soothing and inviting place to be.

DisagreeSomewhat Agree Agree Strongly agree

Spa Products

5. The spa products and treatments were of high quality. I loved the feelings, sensations, and the results.

DisagreeSomewhat Agree Agree Strongly agree

Overall Spa Experience

6. My overall Spa experience exceeded my expectations.

DisagreeSomewhat Agree Agree Strongly agree


7. I would refer the Spa to my family and friends.


8. What can we do to enhance the spa experience further?

Step 2: Form Placement and Type

A. On your website

B. In print at the front desk

C. Email format

Step 3: Special offers

At check out – Complete the form and receive a complimentary enhancement treatment when reserving now.

Complete the form and enter to win a complimentary massage.

Step 4: What to do with the information:

Learning moment opportunities

Use the results to make necessary adjustments. Set-up spa training and coaching sessions to correct certain spa conditions and team behaviors.

Remember you can’t fix what you don’t measure. What do you think? Do you have a guest comment survey? Share with us how you measure? If you need help with your spa’s retention call us. 407 210 3928


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