White Orchid Spa Experience Review

My friend Kim and Nancy set a weekend date to visit the White Orchid Spa in Vero Beach, FL.  We made our hotel reservations, were excited and looking forward to seeing each other and to our spa experiences.  Normally when I go to experience a spa, it’s all about me assessing everything as a secret shopper. This time I wanted their input too.

We checked into Vero Beach Hotel & Spa, a Kimpton Hotel right on the beach. The rooms were amazingly spacious with a huge bath tub and balconies overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.  The weather was perfect to have the door open and listen to the waves crashing, nothing like natural spa music!

We decided to go to dinner. After dinner, we sat by the beach side fire pit lounge and visited with my friends.  This is when my business brain started to think.  We sat and sat… waiting for a waitress to come but it never happened. The lounge was filled with people ready to order drinks but no one was in sight to serve them.  Talk about missed revenue opportunities!!!  So we decided to go back up to our rooms, set a time to meet for breakfast and then start our big day.

Wild Orchid Spa Day

The next day we had our breakfast beach side, then went on our way to the spa.   We checked in the front desk where two smiling young ladies welcomed us. One of them escorted us to the changing lounge.

Opportunity for improvement: Could have attempted to promote additional treatments or verified the treatments we were going to experience.  They could have carried their friendliness into more revenue.

The changing lounge was nice and warm. It had a sauna, nice lockers with combo locks instead of keys. She gave us her presentation and told us where to sit and wait for the therapists.

We did as we were told: changed and went to the relaxation lounge.  It was small and cozy with a nice snack bar that had water , nuts, etc.  We sat for few minutes, then I met Sheryl for my treatment.

She walked me to the treatment suite and she had a presentation of my body warp treatment products on a tray and explained all the components.  I was having a cranberry sugar scrub and a massage for my first treatments.  She made a great first impression.  The room was beautifully organized, free of clutter, perfect lighting with a mini Swarovski crystal chandelier and shower right in the room.

I was excited to begin my spa experience.  She asked me to undress, get comfortable, handed my disposal undies and off she went.  The bed was warm and soft.  It felt great!

As some of you may know, I have been to over 27 countries around the world experiencing spa treatments. I have had the good, the bad, and the ugly… and I have to tell you Sheryl was amazing!  One of the best treatments I have ever had.  Yes, she was experienced. She knew exactly how to conduct body treatments by keeping warm.  She had the perfect draping techniques.  Her touch was just right and she talked just enough to answer my questions.  You could tell she was an experienced pro.  I loved every minute of the body wrap, did not want it to end and when it did, I thought well at least I still have a massage coming!

She asked what area I would like her to focus on and she did just that.  I have to tell you, she was one of the best therapists I have ever had.  By the time she finished, I was relaxed and de-stressed. My skin felt great and was ready for lunch.

Opportunity for improvement: Sheryl was an expert.  I would have bought anything she recommended. She knows so much, her recommendations are very valuable to all her guests.  She could increase her income exponentially if she would do more recommending!

We had lunch with Brittany the spa director on the veranda. We especially wanted to catch up with Brittany as she is a Leap Ahead Graduate and attended the same class as Kim.  At lunch, she told us that her business was up 40% over the previous year and that she was very happy about the results the team is generating.  I am so proud of her and her entire team!

It was great to see Brittany and listen to all her success stories!  After lunch, we had some more treatments.  I was ready for my facial.  My therapist came to get me and took me to a facial room. Once there, she asked me what I would like to address. She told me what facial she was going to do, but frankly after Sheryl, she had big shoes to fill.  She also did a good job! While my mask was on, she did a foot massage and used hot booties.  It felt great!

As for my friends, they had great experiences as well.  The spa is beautiful!  With a united team, everyone seemed happy.

While we were waiting for Kim, Nancy and I were browsing through the boutique.  We had a couple of team members come up to us and explain different products and helped us try some.  Overall, our experiences were great!  We left with retail products and with smiles on our faces!

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Brittany Spa Director at the Leap Ahead Seminar

Congratulations to Brittany Nuzzi and her entire team for doing such a great job!

Keep up the excellent work!


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