Bring Joy to Your World

shutterstock_84535300The holiday season can be stressful and hectic.Between attending holiday parties, shopping, meal planning, baking, gift wrapping, and entertaining, there’s never enough time for you! However, if you organize, schedule and plan properly, you might find a little extra time to relax and go to the spa!

Have a family meeting and decide which activities and parties they would like to participate in during this season.If there are band rehearsals, church activities, or volunteer work activities, make sure you incorporate all of them into a family calendar, so everyone is aware of them.Then, do the same for your work schedule.Keep the schedule on your smart phone, so if someone asks you to volunteer for this or that, you won’t over extend yourself.

Also, remember not to commit to more parties than you can attend, or be coaxed into hosting your own holiday event, if you simply don’t have the time.Once you’ve established your schedule with your family, do not make any changes, additions, or revisions without consulting them first.If you’re stretched too thin, chances are they will be as well, since you’ll be unavailable to them.

Shopping for the Holidays is another task that involves careful and methodical planning.A concise and specific list can save you both time and money.Furthermore, remember the season is about togetherness, selflessness, and sharing joy, and not about how much you spend.Stick to your list and you’ll stick to your budget!

Keep your holiday decorating simple and minimal.Ornate displays can quickly consume your valuable time.If you choose to decorate big this season, make sure you’ve planned for it well in advance and have it completed before things kick into high gear, such as parties, caroling, and shopping.

Make this season about sharing and loving!!Organize and plan wisely, so you won’t get stressed and end up on the wrong side of Santa’s list this year!

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Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas!

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