What Was Your Best Mother’s Day Gift?

charlieMay 9th is Mother’s day, the day we all honor our Moms. As a mom, my son Charlie who is 13 gave me an early mother’s day gift; it was the best gift any mom could ask for… he was invited to join the Junior National Honor Society.  He was one of 24  who were selected from over 700 kids, needless to say It was my best gift ever and I  loved it!  Between his commitment to education, music, boy scouts and take wando and excelling at all it makes feel like mother’s day is an everyday occasion not only once a year.  But on mother’s day he always does something special for me to show how much he loves me and appreciates me.  I am sure your children do the same for you.


 Being a mom is a big responsibility and sometimes as a business owner you might feel like you are a mom to more than your children you feel all your employees are also your children.  We try to teach them, develop them, look after them and so on…

In this issue I am focusing on leadership which is a direct link with motherhood.  As a mother you are leader to your children same as your role at work.  There are many responsibilities and pressures to be the best leader you can be at home and at work.  According to recent studies

women who work full-time and have children under the age of 13 report the greatest stress worldwide.  You are trying to juggle home and work and make sure everyone is happy and taken care off.  So on this mother’s day let someone else take care of you.  Consider going for a spa day at another spa.  I am often amazed how little spa professionals go to spas.  We need to practice what we preach and take care of ourselves so we can in return take care of others.


I was thinking about this on my last flight as I watching the pre-flight video they always tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before you try to help others.  I’ve listen to this tape hundreds of times but this time it kind of stuck with me.  Make a commitment to taking care of yourself first so you can take care of others and have a happy mother’s day!! I hope that this mother’s day you get the best gift whatever that maybe… please tell us all about it!


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