The reception department is one of the most important functions within your facility. Many spas miss this because they hire someone to simply answer the phone. However, being a receptionist has far more responsibilities than answering the phone.
What can you do to transform your reception department? Train, train and train some more!!
Your receptionists play a key role in how much revenue you can generate. A big focus should be placed on how well they perform their responsibilities. Here are four strategies you should take into consideration.
1. Assess their skills: Have a friend call your spa. Put the phone on speaker and listen to their call management skills. Check out all the missed opportunities that are not captured. You are going to be surprised. We do this during the Leap Ahead Spa Leaders Seminar and it’s always a very interesting exercise to do.
2. Define the Spa Receptionist’s role: Create a detailed position description of all the responsibilities the reception team must be able to do. Don’t have one? We do!
3. Set performance targets and tie compensation to it. This is a big mistake I see over and over. The receptionists are paid a flat hourly rate rather than a rate based on performance.
4. Develop scripts: Your team needs scripts to follow. They need to learn a specific language and deliver their message with confidence and class. Check out the Spa Reception Manual and transform your reception into a revenue hub!
Implement these important, yet simple, steps and transform your reception department!