Make Your Spa Website Work For You, Part 1

Is your spa website getting you a piece of that $15+ billion US spa market? Do you know how much revenue it has brought you since launching it?Make Your Website Work for You today

Here are three of the six spa website best practices to implement to turn your spa website into an income-generating tool:

1. More than an online brochure

In the past, you can get away with a website that simply listed your products and services, address, and some graphics. Today, slapping your spa menu or brochure onto a website is the best way to turn away potential spa guests permanently. Your website has to engage their attention, hook them with benefits, and get them to connect with you.

2. Build relationships

When people come to your site, are they compelled to start a conversation with you? Does the language say there is a real person behind  it? On your site, they should find rich, engaging content that appeals to their interests, provides solutions to their problems, solicits their opinions, or simply gets them to connect with you.

3. Grow client list

Your spa website is not a flyer. It is a way for you to capture your prospects’ information—their name and email address. This process is the core of your marketing efforts. Over time, your website should build on it. Your spa list is a ready-made audience for your products, treatments, and offers!

In part two, we will discuss three more spa website best practices. Stay tuned!

Share your concerns with your website and let us help you!

Done for Me! Marketing

InSPAration Management can help you connect with your guests and clients to increase retention rates and attract new clients. Done for Me! Spa Marketing is a time-saving, revenue generating program that gives you more time to focus on your spa. Click here to learn more »


Make Your Spa Social Media Work for You

Want to know more how you can generate more revenues from your spa website? Join us for the upcoming teleseminar on “How to Quickly and Easily Create Landing Pages” in the CoachMe Gold series, Make Your Spa Social Media Work For You on April 28, 2015 at 4:00 PM Eastern to know more »



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