Las Vegas – Was The Show Good For Your This Year?

Hello Friends!

Just came back from Las Vegas, just in time to launch InSPAration Management’s new blog. Yes we did it!
It was great to catch up with old friends and meet new ones at the IECSC show! I got lucky at the airport and got a taxi with not wait!

One night the team dined at the Palm in Caesars without a reservation and had a great table with no waiting. (Things seemed a little slower at the restaurants…how was it for you?) Our table was so good that I was able to watch the Orlando Magic and the Lakers play—what turned out to be their last game—yes, my team lost. As some of you know, I live in Orlando and was hoping for the best, but not this time!

I conducted two business seminars: one on team compensation, where attendees learned about the VPG ComPlan and one on retail sales for Medi Spas covering the P.R.I.D.E. system and sharing a part of the Don’t Sell, “Recommend”! training. Both were well attended and I had the pleasure of meeting some great people – most were from medium to large sized establishments.

InSPAration Management also had a booth at the show. We had a lot of fun introducing people to all the BizTools we have developed; one of our west coast team members attended, Carol Leavitt, along with our newest associate, Carole Rebbel. So, overall the show was good for us.

Let us know your impressions of the show.
Would you go back?
What are your thoughts about trade shows in general?
Did you like the educational classes you attended?
What was the most valuable thing you learned?
Let us know, we would love to hear from you!!

Sunday, I am off to Antigua and St Lucia; no, not a vacation – but not a bad place to work….
I will be conducting spa training for the Sandals & Beaches team! I will tell you all about it next week!

Until then, have a great weekend!

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