InSPAration Moments • Featured Article – August 2020

Designing a Successful Life

Have you been doing the same thing over and over for years, feeling stuck, and need advancement or a change?

Does this describe your life? working long hours, pressure, headaches, stress, lack of freedom, problems, lack of personal and professional growth, having difficulties running your medical spa business and going around and around on a hamster wheel and can’t get off.

The main reason you are not jumping off the hamster wheel is fear. Fear keeps people from stepping out of the comfort zone and designing a new life; the life you really want to live and deserve. The best part is that we are all in charge of our own lives and can make them into whatever we want them to be. We choose our daily actions and habits, which determine where we end up.

You are where you are today because of decisions you’ve made. If you want to design your own successful life, you must be able to do the following:

Steps to Designing a Successful Life

  1. Awareness of the Need to Change

What type of life would you like to be living 3-5 years from now? Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, shares several success principles in his book. One of the most important principles is knowing what you want and having a burning desire to achieve it.

Are you in need of a change? Do you see yourself doing the same thing you are doing now? If so, that is ok, just identify what you can do better to improve. How much better can you be doing 3-5 years from now?

Include this into the equation. If money were not an issue, what type of work would you be doing? Imagine that work, and what your life would be like if you were doing that.

In the book, Designing Your Life, Bill Burnet and Dave Evans talk about getting curious and exploring what you would like to do and how will it advance your work, your career, your business, etc. There are infinite possibilities of how to greatly impact your life.

  1. Decide What You Want

You can’t design a successful life if you don’t know what type of life you want to live. Talk to people who are doing what you want to do. They are already there. Ask them questions and have them describe their lives. Is it the life you want? Imagine and meditate if that is truly the direction you want to take.

In the past, we have all made life changing decisions. Some good and some not so good. My good shift came when I gave up my position as Vice President at a resort in Orlando to start my own business. That was a big shift for me; I got off the hamster wheel. It was scary at the time, but I did it anyway. I did not let fear get in my way.

Normally, people look for a shift in what they are doing after 15 to 20 years. I utilize the 18-year reinvention cycle, which is the need to reinvent yourself, redesign and improve your life, and make it more successful for the long run. You decide your future.

My shift is to provide more content and shows to help business entrepreneurs like you. I am doing that in my studio, right here. It’s going to be something new and exciting for me. One of shows will be, “Interviews with Experts Within the Industry”. If you would like to be considered, Apply now.

  1. Visualizing Your Future Life

Without limiting beliefs, visualize your future life. Visualize it in the exact way that is most ideal for you. Make it as clear as possible.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you like what you are envisioning?
  2. How do you feel about it?
  3. Are you happy?
  4. Are you enjoying your life doing this for work?
  5. Who are you becoming?
  6. What value are you providing?
  7. What is your passion in this life?

The idea here is to explore your true potential. To become a better person and a happier one.

  1. Take Action and Design Your Successful Life

You must make a decision and take action to begin taking the necessary steps to design and implement your new successful life.

In some cases, you may need specialized knowledge. That could include clinical classes or business education to help you run a successful medical practice or medical spa business.

To help you, it’s wise to ask and discuss your successful life design with your mastermind group and gain feedback.

Once you decide to launch, keep in mind to be persistent and not give up too quickly. Keep taking action.

It’s fun learning new things and seeing positive differences in your life. Don’t settle for mediocrity, go for excellence, go for the best, and live the most successful life possible.

Apply to be part of the mastermind group! It’s your life; make it better. Live well and stay inspired.

Need help? Call us, 386-226-2550 or write us to

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